Likud MK Kisch Threatens Not to Back Amended IDF Draft Law

idffLikud MK Yoav Kisch explains he has been a member of Likud for 20 years and he became politically active four years ago, becoming involved in the share the burden effort as it is called, the effort to compel chareidim to serve in the IDF. Kisch is a reserve duty IDF lt.-colonel.

“This is a pressing matter for now and always, I have always been proud of serving as a reservist”.

Kisch was a leader in the ‘share the burden’ battle and explains this was his ticket to enter Knesset, championing this battle to compel chareidim to enter the army. He explained on Thursday, 7 Kislev, that while the bill headed to the Knesset committee, he nevertheless plans to fight the amended version until that battle is over.

Kisch adds “I have no intention whatsoever to vote in favor of the bill as it is written. I have submitted an alternative but I will not vote for this and I am well-aware of the ramifications my actions will have vis-à-vis my political future”.

It is pointed out the amended law is expected to pass even without Kisch’s support as the chareidim and Arab parties have already struck a deal by which they will both not attend the session. In addition, while it is yet to be determined, it is unlikely that Machane Tzioni opposition party is going to oppose it as it does not wish to be perceived compelling chareidim to serve against their will.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Kisch is wrong no JEW should serve in the army of Hellenists, an army that expels Jews from their homes and destroys shuls. Kahane’s grandson is tortured by the IDF but Zoabi is free.

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