HEARTBREAKING PHOTOS: Scene Of The Gush Etzion Terror Attack Which Left Two Israelis Dead

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5 Responses

  1. What is going on here?? Where is the outrage of the US government and the American media?? Why does no one care? An American citizen was killed now. So because he is in Israel it’s OK???? And Now Hamas is praising the attack? They should be bombed into oblivion until this stops. Wake up.

  2. #1-You are %100 right. But you’re talking to a stone wall.
    The U.S. and etc. are allowed to bomb and kill whoever they want, but if Israel kills one lousy Arab by mistake the whole world goes crazy. And our government, instead of worrying about protecting us, is mainly concerned that the world shouldn’t be against us, as it they we ever for us in the first place.

    And until now Obama has never said a word condoning the killing of American Jewish citizens living in Israel, including our boys who were kidnapped and including the lone soldiers. Maybe this time he will say something. When one Arab boy with U.S. citizenship was killed he almost didn’t stop condemning and carrying on.

    You ask “why does no one care?” Because we are Jews, dear friend. Because we are Jews.

  3. ZeitBsimcha:

    The DEMOCRAT’s just don’t care. As far as Jews are concerned, they have become the party of HATE. Just ask Cory Booker.

  4. Take no prisoners; kill each and every terrorist no matter what age. Throw a rock at an Israel and you are dead. This terrorist kill their own like in France what do you think they will do to you. They are like mad dogs and made dogs you kill

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