Chabad Shluchim Declare UN Resolution for a Palestinian State Null And Void

4Largest rabbinical convention in the world accuses the UN and all those who support a two-state solution for the violence in Israel.

“We are all here united and larger in number than the representatives in the UN who voted for the two state solution to divide Israel. While they represent different countries we represent the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the one and only leader of our generation who vehemently opposed such a scheme. Therefore we hereby declare in the name of all the shluchim that the UN Resolution is null and void and there never, ever will be a Palestinian state alongside Israel and every inch of Eretz Yisroel will remain under control of its rightful owner – Am Yisroel,” declared Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky, head shaliach to Tel Aviv to a resounding applause by 4,325 Chabad emissaries from around the globe.

Gerlitzky, who is also the Chairman of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, was addressing the annual Chabad Lubavitch International Shluchim Conference in Brooklyn, N.Y., the largest rabbinical convention in the world, this weekend. He accused the UN and all those who support the false hope of a two state solution for the violence in Israel which effects both sides. Every time A Palestinian teenager runs with a knife to stab an Israeli and gets shot, the death of this Palestinian is a result of the false hope of a two state solution.

He quoted the ruling in Orach Chaim Chapter 329 that forbids handing over land under Israeli control to foreigners for it can serve as a springboard to overrun the whole country.

“From time to time, he said, we meet with experts on the Middle East, professors and senior military officials to discuss with them the security situation. They always tell us that the reason an Arab gets up in the morning and decides to stab Jews or spends millions of dollars to buy missiles is because they feel that the entire world believes that they deserve a state of their own and Israel must provide them with more territory for this.

Hence, they feel that more terror and stabbings will pressure and precipitate Israel to give more and more. In the words of military officials: “Every Israeli declaration that under certain conditions we will be prepared to concede – this in itself is a tailwind to terror.

It has nothing to do with Har Habayis. It has nothing to do with their economic situation and has nothing to with what you hear in the media in Israel or outside Israel. It is has to do with one thing only and that is – the Israeli leadership vacillates, they do not believe and are not confident themselves that Jews are the rightful owners of all of Eretz Yisroel and therefore the Arabs exploit this weakness as an opportunity to pressure more and squeeze out incessant concessions.

There is only one solution, said Rabbi Gerlitzky, “the moment it will be clear in no uncertain terms that the Palestinians will never have a state of their own under any conditions and Israel will never give up an inch of its land – the pressure will cease.

“When the world will realize that we are dealing here with cold blooded murderers that any concession we make will turn into a springboard that will enable them to overrun the whole country as the Shulchan Aruch rules, once they see that they will never ever get what they want this will eliminate the root cause of the problem.”

Rabbi Gerlitzky recalled a meeting he and a group of rabbis had with former US Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Martyn Indyk who identified with the Peace Now ideology. After telling him what Jewish Law states he yelled at us: “You people need to have your minds switched” and nearly chased us out of his office.

“At a later date we met with the French Ambassador to Israel and after listening to what we have to say he said, “look, we tried everything but it didn’t work. Maybe you are right and time has come to try the Torah way and the Halacha, maybe it will succeed.”

Photo: Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky addressing the International Shluchim Conference

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. He is oversimplifying matters and is not entirely correct. Israel must be strong and must not give in to terror. However, provoking the Arabs on Temple Mount, stealing private land and blocking them from Arab owners, vandalizing their property, and humiliating them at checkpoints cause many good Arabs and people of the world to hate Israel. Furthermore, Hamas and other leaders who hate Israelis or Jews will continue to incite the Palestinians to martyr themselves for one excuse or another. Lastly, if the Palestinians will not fight for their own state, then the international community will continue to do so for them and may even hurt innocent Jews in the diaspora. It is too late to deny the Arabs freedom from occupation, and having their own state is the only way to achieve that (unless they all become peaceful overnight, which will cause its own problems, because the Muslims will be the majority in Israel and may take over the state one day) Only Teshuvah, mass Aliyah, and Moshiach can save us in Israel.

  2. ….we represent the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the one and only leader of our generation….
    Such arrogance these Lubavitchers display with their words “the one and only leader…” As if the Chazon Ish, Steipler, Rav Moshe, Rav Shach, Satmar Rebbe and countless others Zichronom Kulom Tzadikim L’vrocho were all NOT leaders?

  3. Do they also consider the UN resolution for a Jewish state (passed in 1947) to be null and void (which, by the way, most Arabs consider it to be)? Since the zionists reject Torah and are unwilling to base their claims on any sort of divine law or promise – all the the Medinat Yisrael based on is a resolution of the United Nations creating a Jewish state is a small portion of Eretz Yisrael then ruled by the British whose claim was based solely on right of conquest (no one ever asked the local inhabitants if they wanted to be ruled by the Brits and most historians agreed that the locals wanted independence or inclusion in a larger Islamic state).

  4. @#4: The article did not say that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is the “one and only leader of our generation”.

    It did say, “..the one and only leader of our generation who vehemently opposed such a scheme”, referring to a 2-state solution.

    Please read carefully before you hurl charges.

  5. יוסף גרלוטסקי מול משה רבינו

    השלש שבועות נאמרו בסיני! שיר השירים נאמרו בסיני! על השבועות הראשונות. תרגום: בתר כן “אתאמר למשה בנבואה” מן קדם ד’ !!! — דלא תזידון למיסיק לארעא דכנען עד דיהא רעוא מן קדם ד’. וכו

    ובשבועות האחרונות בשיר השירים. תרגום: יאמר מלכא משיחא! משביע אני עליכון עמי בית ישראל מה דין אתון מתגרין בעמי ארעא למפק מן גלותא ומה דין אתון מרדין בחילותיה “דגוג ומגוג” אתעכיבו פון זעיר, עד דישיצון עממיא די עלו לאגחא קרבא לירושלים ובר כן ידכר לכון מרי עלמא רחמי צדיקיא ויהא רעוא מן קדמוהי למפרקכון

  6. דעת קדשם של רבני ליבאוויטש האמיתיים

    מכי”ק כ”ק אדמו”ר מוהרש”ב מליבאוויטש זצ”ל זי”ע. הובא במכתבי קודש דף כ”ג 

    בא”ד.. הנני להשיב לכם בקצרה, הנה גם אם הי’ האנשים האלה שלמים עם ד’ ותורתו וגם הי’ מקודם לחשוב שישיגו מטרתם, אין לנו לשמוע להם לדבר הזה לעשות את גאולתנו בכח עצמינו, והלא אין אנו רשאים גם לדחוק את הקץ להרבות בתחנונים ע”ז (עיין כתובות קי”א, מד”ר פ”ו עה”פ השבעתי) וכ”ש בכוחות ותחבולות גשמיות. .ע”כ עיי”ש באריכות הענין

    כתי”ק מהאדמו”ר הגדול ר’ יוסף יצחק שניאורסאהן ז”ל

    בא”ד.. תלת קשרין מתקשראין דא בדא, אגודה במזרחים ומזרחים בציונים וכולם כאחד להכחיש את התורה, רק אלו האחרונים הגדילו לעשות בזה אשר גזלו את אדרת הרבנים ובכח התורה הם באים.. והתורה חוגרת שק ואומרת עשאוני כלי נשק.. אך הרואה יראה יבין וידע מי המה !!! תיקון עולם עיי”ש

    וזל”ש במכתב של הרב חיים לייב זאקס ז”ל רב בכמה ערי ישראל, ובאחרונה בקליוולאנד ובכפר חב”ד!. א”י

    בא”ד … מה נאמר על אלו המינים והכופרים … עליהם יאמר הם קנאוני בלא אל — ואני אקניאם בלי עם, שאינם נחשבים כלל לעם. האם לזאת מלכות תקרא, סוף דבר אין מלכות למינים. ואין להם דיני דמלכותא, וכן הורו מורי הוראה הלכה למעשה בתחילת ימי ממשלתם. ע”כ

  7. Sat whatever you want.
    The unaffiliated and lost Jews of America and the rest of the world (the number affected is uncountable) haven’t been reached physically by any leader in the past in the way that the Lubavitcher Rebbe Ztk”l has reached out to them.

    And all from a small little office in Brooklyn.

    No one is discounting the other Gedolim Zatza”l(and I am not a Lubavitcher), but you would have to be crazy to even try to compare- if you took the time to study Lubavitch from an unbiased perspective.

    For most Lakewood and Satmarer talmidim that would be a nearly impossible feat, but it is what it is.

    And – you will never find chasidim that loved – and love – their Rebbe with their entire heart and soul as Lubavitchers do. Close? Maybe. Maybe maybe – but not as much.

  8. The רבונו של עולם gives כלל ישראל גדולים in Every Generation! It’s silly to apply options of twenty or more years ago with relevance for today. If you do that you end up looking like a Brisker or Satmarer!

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