Stabbing Attack at Shar Shechem [UPDATED 1:08PM IL]


12:34: First report of a shooting attack at the Shar Shechem entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. Emergency services responding. More to follow.

12:36: It appears a terrorist was shot in an attack or attempted attack at Shar Shechem. Additional information as details are confirmed.

12:38: This was an attempted stabbing attack. The attacker was shot and the intended victim is uninjured B’chasdei Hashem.

12:48: An elderly Arab male was wounded by gunfire as well, apparently in a hand. He is being treated in a nearby medical clinic. The attacker is reportedly from the Issawiya neighborhood of the capital.

12:56: Ichud Hatzalah EMT Michael Chai reports “I was in the Shar Shechem area when the call for shooting came in, at Shar Shem. When I arrived I saw an Arab youth who was wounded by gunfire, apparently after trying to stab a member of security forces in the area. An elderly Arab male was also lightly wounded by the gunfire. The terrorist was transported in critical condition”.

13:08: A Jerusalem Police spokesman explained a 37-year- terrorist ran towards two security personnel on HaNevi’im Street in the direction of Chel Handasa in the direction of  Shar Shechem with a knife in his hand. The guards fired at him. He was transported to Hadassah Mt. Scopus Hospital in critical condition. An Arab man in his 50s arrived at a nearby health clinic with a gunshot wound to his hand, apparently from the shots fired by police.

Following photo: Mayor Barkat leaving the scene of the light rail attack – heading to Shar Shechem attack
























(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Medabrim Tikshoret)

One Response

  1. Jewish/Israeli money and energy should not be wasted on these terrorists;at best another bullet to finish them off, really they should be left suffering ’til they die.

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