Betar Illit Mayor Ousts Arabs Following Terror Attack

4Betar Illit Mayor Rubinstein met with the IDF area brigade commander shortly following the Sunday morning stabbing attack at one of the community’s entrances.

The decision was made to immediately expel all the Arab laborers in the city and to prohibit them from entering until further notice.

In the photo, we see Mayor Rubinstein shaking the hand of Mordechai Eisenbach, who detected the terrorist and alerted the guard at the sentry post. Eisenbach will receive a commendation from the mayor in the coming days.

The female terrorist in the attack, who was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, has died of her gunshot wounds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Good for you …very smart move.

    One of the most shocking experiences that I have always had in going to Eretz Yisroel, is the relative freedom domestic arabs have. EVERYONE makes use of them and places them in positions where they can do great harm (Chas v’sholom). Hotels make it a regular practice to place an arab at the main desk on shabbos. What this means, is the arab is basically in charge of the hotel on shabbos. While B’H nothing has happened as of yet. Think about what these RESHOIM can do while guests sleep. It is better to expel ALL of them than to risk a problem

  2. So in other words, Mr. Rubinstien shlit”a had the power to do this before the latest attack. That would make him complicit in Jews being hurt.
    What took him so long?
    For shame!

  3. The problem is that they can’t live with them and can’t live without them. Many of them do good work and their labor is cheap. To think of hiring Yidden to do those jobs a) it’s prohibitively costly. b) Yidden don’t want to work the dirty, shmutz jobs these workers do. c) They are two-legged donkeys and work like donkeys. d) If they remain without jobs they will inevitably become aggressive and agitated. They need jobs to keep them busy and occupied lest they have too much free time which could conceivably bring about more attacks.

    Still I don’t know what the party here is all about!

  4. In a democracy like EY or the USA we must balance civil rights with security. It would be a shanda to mindlessly ban all the Arab citizens of EY from entering any town or city simply because they are arab just as the USA cannot simply close its airports to citizens from arab countries with no terrorist background just because they are arab. Yes, lives will probably be lost but there would be a greater loss if we simply give in to our fears. Improve your security systems but avoid these kinds of racist strategies advocated by modern-day Kahane terrorists.

  5. #9 ‘yes, lives will probably be lost….’You are a leftist typicle twisted brain with your stupid ‘racist’ ideology. Yes , next time it will c’v be a hidden bomb and its gonna cost 30 lives and 50 maimed , but we have to suffer it because of you idiotic leftist twisted brain

  6. Seems like some of the posters here are unaware of how things work in EY.

    #7 is correct. These Arabs are, for the most part, construction workers, and there are simply not enough Yiddishe laborers to take their places doing that kind of hard labor (even before going into the issue of salaries). There is no way to ban them complete, 24/7/365, unfortunately.

    It’s a bad situation, but those are the facts on the ground.

    As far as #9, sorry, but it would not be a shanda. If you would see the red signs at the entrance to every Palestinian backwater IN EY prohibiting Jews from entry with the not-so-veiled threat that those who do enter do so at the risk of their own lives, you might agree.

    The statement that “lives will probably be lost but there would be a greater loss if we simply give in to our fears” is reminiscent of the army guy who, after the massacre at Fort Hood, said that “as great a tragedy as this was, it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well.” No, it would not. A country’s first obligation is to its own people, not to a COEXIST bumper sticker.

  7. Also, legally the Arabs in EY have as much right as anyone else and therefore it is illegal to expel them from anywhere without proof of crime. And typically the ones who have a working permit are not terrorists, just looking to make an income in a free country as they are unable in their dictatorship governments.

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