Study: Postwar German Interior Ministry Had Many Ex-Nazis

holA commission of historians examining the Nazi links of West Germany’s Interior Ministry says more than half of the staffers from 1949 to 1970 had belonged to the Nazi party.

In an interim report presented Wednesday, the commission said 54 percent of staffers during those years were former Nazi party members, and many had also been members of the SS or SA. Eight percent had served in the Nazi Interior Ministry — run by Wilhelm Frick, who was executed for war crimes, and later SS chief Heinrich Himmler.

Researcher Andreas Wirsching says when the study is finished in 2018, historians want to answer more questions like what those people did during the Nazi era, and how they affected postwar policies.

Several ministries have done similar studies, including foreign and finance.


2 Responses

  1. This is news? Like, you didn’t already know that. If the German governments in the post-war weren’t made up a nazis, they would have to be made up foreigners. There were barely enough people who weren’t ex-Nazis to fill the top positions.

  2. I note the historians are silent about today’s officials, many of whom grew up in nazi homes and still hold those evil values and beliefs.

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