Israel’s Foreign Ministry Responds to Palestinian Attempt To Declare The Kosel A ‘Muslim Holy Site’

koselThe following is an official response from the Israel Foreign Ministry to recent calls to declare the Kosel a Muslim holy site.

In view of Palestinian attempts to bring about resolutions at UNESCO which constitute a distortion of reality and a falsification of historical facts in Jerusalem, thus purporting to present the Kosel as if it were a Muslim holy site, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Director General Dr. Dore Gold, is actively working to put a stop to this underhanded maneuver.

The vote on the Palestinian maneuver is expected tomorrow, Tuesday 20 October, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is engaged with friendly countries and with the heads of UNESCO in order to ensure that this Palestinian attempt fails.

This is a clear endeavor to distort history, in order to erase the connection between the Jewish people and its holiest site, and to create a false reality.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Once again the Palestinian Authority Made a Clear UN Proposal SHOWING they are NOT interested in PEACE by their Dastardly call to say the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple Mount is part of a Mosque and that while Palestinian savages are hailed as heros for stabbing Jewish men, women and children all over Israel when Jews are called to arm themselves to protect themselves the Jews are the ones condemned. OBAMA PUBLICLY QUESTIONED IF ISRAEL IS INTERESETD IN PEACE!!! Is he Singling the PALESTINIANS OUT NOW when they are showing WHY There can NOT be A Paleatinian state as they are Islamic Terrorists that want ALL ISRAEL and Deny the Jewish past to Israel (the imbeciles deny the Bible and Josephus and archaeology and history – for many centuries when the Arabs were just idol worshippers there was Judaism and Israel and even Christianity was around before Islam!)

  2. Everything said about the terrorists, arabs,un, &unesco; is true.
    BUT, as G-d fearing Jews, we mist remember that Hashem Yisborach controls all.
    Nachpesah deracheinu v’nachkora. Venashuvu el Hashem.
    My mind goes to the fact that most/many Orthodox Rabbanim have prohibited going to the Temple Mt. And it had not been an acceptable practice even by some, until recently. I somehow feel the parallel between the aveirah and Chas V’Sholom the impending punishment.
    I am B”H a Bubby of many now, but was raised with a strong sense of reward and punishment; I grew up davening in , Rav Avigdor Miller’s zt’l”s shul, and hearing him speak and give shiurim many times. I can almost hear him espousing the view I presented.
    Nachpasah DeracheinuVenashuva El Hashem! Before it”s too late
    Reply »

  3. Can’t the Israelis do something besides showing how false this is? Can’t they somehow punish those dastardly arabs by doing something to their holy places? I’m just wondering. It just seems so ridiculous. We’re always on the defensive. It’s true we have to cry and daven to Hashem, but we have to be proactive and go on the offensive also. NO?

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