TERROR: Kever Yosef Hatzadik Engulfed in Flames

CaptureYWN is sad to report that Arab terrorists have set fire to the Kever of Yosef HaTzaddik.

About a hundred terrorists gathered by the kever in Shechem and set it on fire.

Heavy rioting took place early Friday morning in the city. IDF responded with riot control measures.

This comes as the Arabs have declared a ‘Day of Rage’ for Friday, October 16th.





The Following is Via OS!

This is not the first time Kever Yosef has been attacked or vandalized.

On December 22, 2014, Jews who were visiting the tomb to light candles for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah discovered that the site had been vandalized. Lights were broken and electrical wiring had been cut. It was the first time Jews were allowed to visit the tomb in over a month.

On July 7, 2014, Palestinians tried to burn down Josephs Tomb while protesting. Palestinian Authority security forces were able to stop the protesters before they were able to burn it down.

On April 24, 2011, PA police officers opened fire on three cars of Israeli worshipers after they finished  davening at Joseph’s Tomb. An Israeli citizen was killed and three others were wounded. The fatality was identified as Ben-Joseph Livnat, 25, the nephew of Culture Minister Limor Livnat.

Both the IDF and PA ordered investigations into the incident. According to an initial investigation, three cars full of Israelis entered the compound of Joseph’s Tomb without coordination with the Israeli military or PA security forces and then tried to break through a PA police checkpoint. The IDF investigation concluded that the PA police officers had acted “maliciously” and with the intent to harm the Jewish worshipers. IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz added that they fired “without justification and with no immediate threat to their lives.”

10 Responses

  1. Total disgrace! Where is the Israeli security guards protecting our holy sites? How can they let this happen?? We should burn down their aksa mosque in return!!

  2. Why are these animals allowed to get anywhere close to the Kever if they’re being violent? Shoot at the legs. Remember when Israeli soldiers were almost trapped there and had to “escape” several years ago. Why does the Israeli government allow this to happen? Perhaps we should try burning some mosques tomorrow?

  3. I don’t understand, Yosef is brought down in the Koran they hold very high of him.
    THEY KEEP SAYING God is great.
    GOD told you to kill burn the Tomb of a holy man!

  4. טאטע אין הימעל
    עד מתי
    How thick is our skin??
    גענוג שוין
    ומי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרותינו די

  5. lol they have lost their mind now. You can mess mess with us all you want and most probably nothing will happen to you but you think you can mess with Yosef Hatzadik and get away with it? I think I might actually feel bad for them for what is going to happen to them… It isn’t going to be pretty

  6. Arabs have something against יוסף הצדיק, while today’s days the Muslim world has turned into רוצחים, in reality they are descendants of the Spirit of ישמעא-ל who is the מרכבה of Taavah. Behind their Modest Dress are the lowest of low! יוסף הצדיק is the Antithesis to them. יוסף הצדיק is the מרכבה of מידת יסוד. Not that they know what and why they are doing!!! Like Everything else these “פרא אדם״” do!!!

  7. Most mainstream media outlets (including the NYT) headline this as Palestinians setting the tomb on fire. CNN’s headline: “Joseph’s Tomb site catches fire in wave of Palestinian-Israeli violence.” Way down in the fifth paragraph, it says “a smaller group tried to set fire to the tomb.”

  8. where’s Barack insane obama and johnny kerry now? mark toner? uphold the “status qou! uphold the status qou! raging hypocrites!

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