Moetzes Gedolei Torah of America Calls for Day of Learning and Prayer on Thursday

novaminskerBy Chaim Asher Weinstein for

2nd Day of Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan 5776,

It is a harrowing time for Jacob [the Jewish nation]. Jewish blood is spilled like water and the accursed evildoers are raising their heads in the very palace of the King declaring about the Jewish people, “Come, let us destroy them as a nation, so that they shall not exist” – it should never happen. Our eyes are lifted toward the Heavens and we beseech our Father in Heaven with a torn and ripped heart, saying, “Do not shut us out nor remain silent Hashem!”
However, the obligation stands upon us to return to Him sincerely, with a full heart. We ourselves must fulfill the penance, prayer and charity that removes the evil decree.

We call upon our brethren the Jewish people to gather tomorrow, each congregation in their own shul, to increase prayers and to add on Tehillim and supplications after Shacharis and Mincha.

Each person should do a personal cheshbon HaNefesh in the matters of Yiras Shamayim and repairing one’s own actions and midos. “The heart knows the bitterness of the soul.”

Yeshiva students and Kollel members should strengthen the intensity of their Torah study and add more strength and effort in their studies. The word of Hashem will brighten our eyes and gladden our hearts. May it be His Will that within us will be established “Those who know Your Name shall be assured that You have not forsaken those who seek You, Hashem.”
And may Hashem remove us from this danger to comfort and from darkness to light and from oppression to redemption now and in a speedy time.

Moetzes Gedolei Torah of America

2 Responses

  1. This is a wonderful idea but With all due respect, I would just revise one line, “Yeshiva students and Kollel members should strengthen the intensity of their Torah study and add more strength and effort in their studies” to include all klal yisrael, especially the many who learn before and after during their full work day

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