Response to Terror: Round-the-Clock Tefilos And Limud at Kever Rochel

unnamed (2)A spokesman for Mosdos Kever Rochel explains that some of the people wounded in the barbaric Islamic terror attack on Tuesday 30 Tishrei frequented the holy site regularly.

Because of the escalation in terror attacks, officials at Kever Rochel are making certain that the limud Torah continues around the clock without interruption. There are special minyanim, hakofos and limud in the merit of the wounded and for the hatzlacha of security forces and Am Yisrael around Eretz Yisrael.

Security officials have significantly stepped up their presence around the tziyun as well.

unnamed unnamed (6) unnamed (4) unnamed (2)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Mosdos Kever Rochel)

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