Message To Klal Yisroel From Maran Hagon HaRav Shteinman Shlita Following The String Of Terror Attacks In Eretz Yisroel


11 Responses

  1. here is a free English translation:


    26 Tishrei 5776

    To Acheinu Bnei Yisroel in the Holy Land

    I have heard that the Chofetz Chaim zt”l explained the verse in Koheles (chapter 5) “do not confuse your mouth and your heart should not hurry to express a word before Hashem, because Hashem is in Heaven and you are on this world therefore let your words be scarce” with a parable, when we look at a stamp we cannot understand anything that is written on the stamp because everything is in reverse, but when we print the stamp and everything comes out just the opposite then we see that everything is good and straight, so too it is clear that Hashem Yisborach created the world in order to do good to His creatures, would someone think that Hashem created the world to cause them harm? Rather during times such as these it is the responsibility of each and every person to investigate their own actions, and each heart recognizes its own soul’s shortcomings and what must be done in order to correct them.

    Perhaps in an effort to gain merit for the public it may be suggested to strengthen primarily the study of Torah and performing Chessed because this will arouse the Heavenly mercy upon us and there will no longer be any reports of enemy intrusion or attack inside our borders .

    A.L. Steinman

  2. Part of Teshuva is following the Torah’s directives on how to treat a hostile and growing population within Israel. The Torah says, “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will harass you in the land where you will live.” It doesn’t say “if you don’t do Chesed” or “if you don’t have kavanah” – those things are certainly important, but the Torah is teaching us that there is a direct correlation between the way an enemy is treated and what we will directly suffer as a result. Too bad the Teshuva we speak of nowadays never includes those difficult parts of Torah observance.

  3. The headline reads “…to Klal Yisrael”, whereas the letter’s title indicates “..yoshvei Eretz HaKodesh”.
    There are, of course, many members of Klal Yisrael outside of Eretz Yisrael.

  4. #2

    When you have a “Cibush” ,a conquest with a Navi and Urim V’tumim then you’re surely right.

    But in our present scenario…

    Chazal opposed Alexander Yannai’s annexation of the edomites]

  5. The real problem, REM30, is people who think they know Torah on a higher and deeper level than the Gadol Hador! BTW, a big part of teshuvah is humbling yourself and accepting the wisdom of our great Torah Sages. You think you know Torah better than HaRav Shteinman??? What gaavah!!!! You’re like Forrest Gump trying to argue that he understands String Theory better than Stephen Hawkings. Get a grip, man!!

  6. REM30
    People like you who wish to follow “torah directives” without the benefit of Rabbinical interpretation should place your tfillin between your eyes the way the tzdukim did.

  7. #3: REM30: The passuk you cite is referring to the idolatrous nations in E.Y. at the time Bnei Yisrael entered the land. The “barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides” — refers to the temptation to stray after avoda zara that those nations would constitute if we would allow them to remain in the land. Islam, however, is not idolatry, and moslems are not idolators. True, we have a problem with them, but any talk of mass expulsion is impossible and would endanger Jews the world over. Perhaps Mashiach will deal with that. None of us should even contemplate such an idea. Particularly since no gadol ba’Torah is suggesting it either.

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