Ann Coulter Spews Anti-Semitic Rant During GOP Debate To Her 662,000 Twitter Followers

acConservative author Ann Coulter sparked a Twitter fury over a series of anti-Semitic tweets published during the Republican debate on Wednesday night (16 September). The US commentator accused candidates of pandering to the Jewish population as they made references to Israel during their responses. She tweeted to her 664,000 followers saying, “How many [expletive removed by YWN] Jews do these people think there are in the US?”

The Donald Trump backer began her criticism by targeting Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas. She tweeted: “Good grief! Huckabee is running for PM of Israel.” Coulter went on round on Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, accusing them of placing too much emphasis on Israel when answering questions about the United States.

Coulter then attempted to defend her actions by insisting that it wasn’t targeting Jewish people, but was aimed at “Republican panderers”. Statistics indicate that there are 6.8 million Jewish people living in the United States and Twitter users were quick to respond to her comments, branding them as “anti-Semitic”.

However, the Hashtag #IStandWithAnn was trending in the United States on Thursday morning (17 September), with many taking to social media to support her comments. One Twitter user said that there was “nothing wrong with wanting American politicians to put the interests of Americans first,” while another pointed out that “the capital of the USA is not Tel Aviv”.

10 Responses

  1. How about James Baker, close adviser to Pres. Reagan? He also said that the (F-Bomb) Jews don’t vote for us.

    Coulter and Baker are wrong on the issues. It is not the political (e.g. antisemitic) reality that counts.


    And when Israel is wrong, we should not be afraid to acknowledge that.

    And when Ann Coulter is wrong, we should not be afraid to acknowledge that.

  2. Reply to kehath64:
    What you’re saying is actually a Gemara:
    “Misfortune comes to the world only on account of Israel” (Yevamos 63a).

  3. It is to Ametica’s benefit & security that IsraEl remains a strong democracy in the Mideast.

    This is not favoritism to Jews this is reality to Americans.

  4. She may be wrong in this case, but she’s not anti-Semitic. I know for a fact that she’s friendly with several Orthodox Jews in politics. That’s just how she talks.

  5. Although one can say this is not antisemitism-after all any American can be excused for not wanting to hear about Israel, even if they are not antisemitic- this woman’s language points to deep hatred. She also has a history of this (look it up).

  6. Curiosity: Check out her previous remarks about Jews not being perfected”.She is obviously an anti-semite, regardless of her “friends”.

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