The Agunah Wars Part Two

agunahBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times


Last week, the Five Towns Jewish Times ran an article about the very unfortunate dilemma of Agunos. A number of points were made in the article. One point was that Rav Hershel Schachter Shlita, a leading halachic Posaik and a champion of Agunos rights, had voiced serious dissent against what he sees as radically innovative methods propounded by the International Beis Din established by Rabbi Simcha Krauss.

The approach, in essence, creates annulments by unilaterally dissolving marriages after a perfunctory investigation where the three members of the Beis Din determine that there were never valid witnesses in the first place.

This author further pointed out that ultimately the “annulment approach” to resolving the Agunah crisis would both create pariah statuses for the descendants of those who received IBD annulments as well as the potential to cause a marriage rift within Orthodox Judaism. I presented the argument that we must certainly address the Agunah crisis, but not at this double cost of making these young women and their children pariahs and of causing a rift within Klal Yisroel where people will not marry into them.


Since then, the Five Towns Jewish Times has obtained specific rulings that have emanated from the IBD. It seems that the IBD has thus far issued annulments to seven women. The 5TJT has seen the alleged arguments for three of these rulings. Essentially, the IBD views videotapes of the weddings and seeing no witnesses standing in the front, assumes that there were no previously specified witnesses in the audience and thus annuls the marriages. They also assume incompetence on behalf of the officiating Rabbi, an assumption that is, at best, halachically questionable. A third problem is that the rulings fail to draw crucial distinctions between the Eretz Yisroel based rulings found in the responsum quoted by the IBD (Tzitz Eliezer etc.) and the cases that the IBD discusses itself: The Tzitz Eliezer is discussing cases where the specific witnesses that were previously designated were in fact pasul l’aidus. In the cases in which the IBD have issued their rulings, no such designation has been made. This is a shocking “game-changing” detail that has not even been pointed out by the authors of the IBD rulings. In this author’s view, this is a crucial distinction that undermines the entire house of cards in which these annulments are based upon. A further rationale found in the IBD responsa was that the Chazakah of ain odom oseh b’ilaso bilas znus does not apply to the non-observant, is also a rather untenable position.

Initially, the IBD claimed that they would have full transparency in regard to all their annulments. Unfortunately, the rulings were not made public, even though a full seven annulments have been issued. Only after pressure had some of the information been released.

Further clarifications have also revealed that, in fact, Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, had not, in fact, backed the IBD initiative. Previously it was reported that he had initially supported the idea but backed away. It seems that this is incorrect. Initial inquiries have revealed that Rav Goldberg Shlita had never backed the IDB initiative in any manner.

It was also claimed by supporters of the IBD that Rav Herschel Schachter had made a deal that he would not come out against the IDB and had reneged on this arrangement. This too, has proven to be entirely unverifiable. Indeed, it is this author’s understanding that Rav Schachter had only met with Rabbi Krauss in June of 2015 at Rabbi Krauss’s initiative. The meeting was held at the Yeshiva University campus in Washington Heights and, in fact, no such “deal” or conversation took place. There was no other communication between the two or their representatives.

Because of Rav Schachter’s dissent, one hundred Rabbis have signed on to attack Rav Schachter’s position. A good many of these signatures are from Rabbis who are simply not on the same page as most Orthodox Rabbis. They have taken the most radical positions on issues of Biblical Criticism, changing the formulation of blessings instituted by the Men of the Great Assembly, recognizing marriages that the Torah clearly prohibits, and engaging in interfaith activities that are clearly forbidden by Halacha.

There have also been several Facebook campaigns subtly attacking Rav Schachter. One such campaign is titled, “I stand with the IBD. Say yes to halachic civility.” The campaign essentially labels Rav Schachter as being “uncivil” in espousing his halachic positions. This subtle dig against a Talmid Chochom leagues beyond those who are attacking him are unacceptable.

On a final note, it is disconcerting that, as yet, the voice of the Yeshiva community has not been heard on a matter that can affect the future of Klal Yisroel. This author has no doubt that in the coming weeks or months such statements will be issued. What is disconcerting is that the Yeshiva community still takes significant time to react to important issues.

The author would like to reiterate that the horrific situation of Agunos must be addressed, but it must be done responsibly in a manner that would not create a pariah status for them nor cause a rift in Klal Yisroel.

Below is a back and forth correspondence between this author and the Dean of Chovevei Torah regarding the possible rift and the pariah status of IBD annulments. [It is being printed with his permission.]

Dear Rabbi Hoffman,

The one thing I would most strongly disagree with is that when the IBD releases these Agunot they or their children will be pariahs. To the contrary well over a hundred – and maybe hundreds – of Orthodox rabbis will be competing to officiate at their weddings. And all the girls or boys they meet, while perhaps getting a thumbs down from their shul rabbi (who may be centrist or chareidi), will find many Orthodox rabbis that will approve of the shidduch. And the families will all go to these weddings, and the friends of families will all go… No split in site as long as rabbis will do the weddings.
Also, the letter is not denouncing RHS, just supporting Rav Krauss.
Gmar chatima tova and yesherkoach on your writing,

[Rabbi] Asher Lopatin

Dear Rabbi Lopatin,

Thanks for your response. I do not know of anyone in the yeshiva community who would marry a child from such an annulment. The Yeshiva world and community is not an insignificant section of Klal Yisroel. What this is doing is ensuring that people from a Modern Orthodox background not marry into families with a Yeshiva background – and that would be a terrible terrible shame.
Yair Hoffman

Dear Rabbi Hoffman

They will all come to the weddings, and if they can find an Orthodox rabbi who gives a thumbs up, they will marry them. Rabbis even in the yeshivishe velt are losing control – for better or for worse.
[Rabbi] Asher Lopatin

Dear Rabbi Lopatin,

Thank you for your response and wishing you a kesiva vechasima tova as well.

Regarding the issue of annulments of Jewish weddings, of I am sorry to have to point this out, but we cannot just “will away” an issue just because we don’t like the implications of a very valid point. There is a clear and present problem here, in regard to the creation of a rift. It has nothing to do with whether a Rabbi would be willing to marry the, Of course you will find “orthodox Rabbis” willing to marry them. There are orthodox Rabbis that will do anything, as a cursory glance of headlines in the past few months .

My point is that the annulment game has already created a situation where no one from a yeshiva background would wish to date girls or their children when they have received annulments. Our well-placed rachmanus for the agunah will create a horrific situation for her post-annulment child if we adopt the annulment system – no ifs, ands, or buts.. It already has. Certainly Rabbi Krauss does not have a better reputation than Rav Moshe Feinstein zatzal’s own grandchild. Yet he has given annulments and no one from the yeshiva world or the chassidish world will date these girls.

Although you write, “They will ALL COME” and “THEY WILL MARRY THEM” I believe this is either head-in-the sand-thinking or that you are completely unaware of an entire demographic of Jews.

Denying a problem will not make it go away.

There are entire zip codes, where the residents are as likely to marry a girl with an IBD annulment as they are likely to eat lobster or shrimp. Example zip codes are 08701, 11249, 11219, 10952, just to name a few. Think of Madison Square Garden’s Siyum HaShas, Rabbi Lopatin. Do you really think that there is one, repeat one, attendee who would have his child marry a girl or boy whose mother did not receive a get but had an annulment?

It is all very well and good to try to solve one problem, but creating a much larger problem by trying to solve another problem is short-sighted and very damaging. President Garfield probably died because well-meaning doctors took out the bullet that lodged into him and had him die of severe infections of which these doctors were completely oblivious.

With due respect, I submit that your response indicates a similar unawareness as to where the Chasidic, the Yeshivish, and the Chareidi world is holding. They will not marry these children and will consider them mamzerim.

Don’t get me wrong. We need a solution to the Agunah dilemma. But it has to be one that does not create larger problems. And we cannot pretend that this rift will not happen. If you put a world class hechsher on pork rinds, Klal Yisroel will not eat the pork rinds – they will throw out the world-class hechsher.

Moshe Montefiore once tried to enter Har HaBayis in a carefully constructed box that allegedly would make it as if he wasnt actually entering Har Habayis. They stoned him.

Wishing you a gut Shabbos and a gut gebentched year,

Yair Hoffman

Dear Rabbi Hoffman,

I’m listening, I take what you say seriously, but I don’t agree. And that’s for the record!

A gut yor – in all the zip codes!


The author can be reached at [email protected]

11 Responses

  1. Actually Montefiore DID enter Har Habayis in the special box. He later publicly apologized and said he was wrong and wouldn’t do it again. He was never stoned.

  2. The problem with the nay sayers is just that, they say no and dont come up with their own solutions, since they just pay lip service to Agunahs other chime in and make soultions, the way to fight the IBD is make another solution that works better . Until that is done ,uch public sympahy will be with the IBD

  3. Rabbi Hoffman, you surprise me. Why are you giving legitimacy to Rabbi Lopatin? Of course he will defend anything that smells of kosher halacha and you won’t change his mind even if the conversation degenerates into zip-codes. Furthermore, of all the criticisms you can come up with, you start denigrating the holy Yeshiva world because they aren’t responding as quickly as you like about something you feel is important. This is of no more import than the other drivel that oozes from Chovavei Tzion or Chovavei Torah or Ohavai Yoshka, whatever they call themselves. Needless to say no one will marry a mamzer, and no one will marry the issue of this corrupt beast that they invented. The yeshiva world is treating it as the non-entity that it is and doesn’t see fit to waste ink on it. Lopatin is not in the same league as the Yeshiva world, led by Gedolim Talmidei Chachamim. Lopatin and his ilk have lost any influence in the torah world, please don’t give them any.

    Rabbi Hoffman, you write beautiful halachic articles, please don’t waste your time on trash.

  4. zahavasdad #2: Public sympathy will not be with the IBD regardless. The only ones sympathizing with the IBD is the “Open Orthodox”, like this Mr. Lopatin, and LWMO crowd.

    Frankly, there are no new halachic solutions to the agunah issue. It is the same as if a husband traveled by ship or went to war and never returned. There’s no fix there nor in the modern cases.

  5. There would not have been such an Chilul hashem against Rav Shecter if people did not sympathize with the Agunahs. it has created such a chilul Hashem and lack of respect of a gadol.

  6. To Will Hill and others: I do not know the parameters of this dispute but you actually are making the case for the IBD. Countless of women were freed from the status of agunos after many wars, whether WWII or the wars in Israel or other wars in the past. All the time, the leading Poskim looked for every way to free these agunos-even including your example of a husband going to sea without returning(See the Dakar). Every teshuvo in the past few hundred years has used many kulos. So, you are totally wrong in saying that there “are no halachic solutions to the agunah issue” There are and many were used in the past. Zahavasdad id absolutely right. Until the Poskim of our generation stop wringing their hands and tackle this issue properly, the public will have great sympathy for the IBD.

  7. No, you’re wrong, rabbiofberlin. Krauss isn’t doing anything new. He’s replaying what Rackman did 15 or 20 years ago. Rackman tried and Rackman failed. His shop closed up and the world doesn’t and didn’t accept his annulments. And the world doesn’t accept Krauss’ annulments. And he is now mocked as much as Rackman was when he tried to reinvent the halachic wheel with things that apparently no rabbi for the past almost 2000 years figured out that Rackman and Krauss had a brainstorm and started.

    rabbiofberlin, would you let your son marry a woman who never got a Get from her first husband but instead got one of Krauss’ rulings “freeing” her?

    A simple Yes or No is all you need answer.

  8. Rabbi Hoffman, perhaps the reason the frum world has not engaged with this issue is that its a non-issue for them. Engaging those rabbis behind these annulments elevates the dialogue to become merely a difference of opinions, which – to them – its not.

  9. Rabbi Hoffman, having learn some Torah in my life, your approach does not fit within Halacha in my view and therefore will not be accepted by the main stream. I have seen and therefore would suggest to you other means to resolve this all legal and within halacha. The specific list is not appropriate in this context but it basically requires our leader and the community to have necessary will power and commitment to resolve each individual case. Please note, I have had significant personally experience with several cases and many of them are extremely complex far beyond what the women tell you. And there are men who have wives that refuse to accept their gets locking the men up in the same way.

  10. To #9: Last I checked, Rabbi Hoffman was a talmid chochom while you were a ywn commenter with poor grammar, worse spelling and no common sense.

  11. Will Hill: You obviously did not read my remarks. I cannot evaluate the validity of Rav Krauss’ piskei halocho because I have not seen the teshuvos. My response was to you when you said that there are “no new halachic solutions to the agunah issue”. That is patently false,especially when you compare it to a husband who went to war or traveled in a ship, without returning. We have literally thousands of teshuvos for those circumatances- whether wars in antiquity or recent World Wars or Wars in Israel,where agunos were freed (I specifically mentoined Dakar). So, your assertion is erroneous. And, actually, there are NEW halachic ways to free agunos- just read about the agunos after 9/11 who were all freed using modern detection. SO, you are wrong ain all your assertions.But maybe you are too young to know about 9/11 or the Dakar.
    As far as my daughter, if the psak is correct, how does that differ from any other agunah that is freed?

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