Democrats Clinch Critical 41 Votes For Iran Nuke Deal

irSenate Democrats have clinched enough votes to block a disapproval resolution against the Iran nuclear deal in the Senate. That could spell a major victory for President Barack Obama.

Three undecided senators announced their support for the deal in quick succession — bringing supporters to 41 votes. That’s enough to bottle up the disapproval resolution with a filibuster later this week.

The announcements came from Ron Wyden of Oregon, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Gary Peters of Michigan.

Supporters were cautiously optimistic the votes would allow them to block the disapproval resolution from passing in the Senate. They weren’t declaring victory because opponents of the deal are pushing for senators to allow a final vote on the disapproval resolution, leading to uncertainty about the outcome under the Senate’s complicated procedures.

The fast-paced developments came on the first day lawmakers were returning to Washington from their summer recess. The divisive deal to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief tops the agenda.


4 Responses

  1. Let all these Chaimberlins proclaim out loud and for their constituents who oppose this deal 2 to 1 that they support it. Rememeber the president doesn’t run again but each of these weak kneed politicians do.

  2. Feinstein, Boxer, Bennet, Schatz, Franken, Sanders and now Blumenthal and Wyden. Eight out of 10 Jewish Senators now back the Iran deal. Only six out of 18 Democrat Jewish Representatives (plus the lone Republican) oppose it. Wake up and smell the coffee. Israel and Zionism are losing, if not having already lost, the American Jew

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