Chief Rabbinate Opposes Placing Women in Charge of Batei Din – Only a Dayan is Qualified

yyoThe Chief Rabbinate of Israel is opposed to appointing a woman to head the nation’s batei din for the rabbonim feel one must be a certified dayan to hold the post. The Chief Rabbis of Israel and the Chief Rabbinate Council announced their position as efforts continue to appoint a woman to head the nation’s rabbinical courts.

Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita and Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita explain the position is not simply an administrative or logistical one, but one that demands a thorough knowledge of halacha, piskei halacha as well as arriving at a psak halacha and more to effectively run the nation’s batei din. The rabbonim add they believe this must be one who comes from within this system, one who understands the system and its halachic aspects can be suited for the post, which they hint would rule out a woman because of the aspect of dayanus.

The Chief Rabbis add that regarding the secular judicial system, a former judge has always been appointed to head the system for the very same reason and while this is not an official prerequisite, it is understood they experience and professional knowledge of the system is indeed required to effectively run the nation’s courts. They explain that in this case dayanus is an absolute must in able for one to properly understand and run the nation’s batei din.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. That’s pretty funny given the fact that charedim have appointed chief rabbis who did not themselves have a כושר דיינות. We all remember Rabbi Metzger,who did not have a כושר דיינות. And, if I am not mistaken, harav Yitchak Yosef himself does not have a כושר דיינות.

  2. Only a Dayan is qualified to be Chief Rabbi but how many recent Chief Rabbis have been Dayanim? One didn’t even have the requisite Semicha! Their argument would be more convincing were they consistent.

  3. I’m surprised that they could not find one woman in either of their families to give it to. Otherwise it would have been given to that person.

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