Mayor Barkat to Challenge Waze’s Political Incorrectness

wazeUsers of Waze traveling in Jerusalem may have realized the popular navigation program is steering motorists away from areas it has defined as belonging to the PA (Palestinian Authority) despite being an integral part of the Israel’s capital. If one travels from Mount Scopus to the Kosel, one will be directed via a lengthy route, via A-Tur, not Shimon HaTzaddik (Wadi Joz) as Waze views Shimon HaTzaddik as belonging to the PA. Ironically, the number of terror attacks and security incidents in A-Tur is alarming high while Shimon HaTzaddik is relatively quiet.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is planning to contact Waze’s CEO to explain the information is “factually incorrect”, requesting a change. The mayo explains the current Waze policy is unacceptable and to tell him to “not turn the app into a political tool”.

City Councilman Aryeh King sharply condemned Waze for its effort to divide Jerusalem.

Jerusalem police explain they are cooperating with Waze to direct motorists, with an emphasis on holidays and special events when road closures occur. Police officials stress there is a sizable police presence in the capital with an emphasis in the eastern areas, to ensure the safe travel for all motorists.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Waze does not factor politics or demographics into their routing. It depends on reports from its subscribers. If certain areas are cut out it’s because Waze users are not traveling there.

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