Ads Slamming Congressman Jerry Nadler run in Jewish Papers




If you read a Jewish newspaper this weekend you are likely to see an ad slamming Congressman Jerry Nadler for his support of the Iran deal. The ad plainly states: “Jerry Nadler represents more Jews than any other Congressman. He claims to be Pro-Israel. So why is he backing Obama and Iran?” The ad calls on voters to call Congressman Nadler at (800) 733 5417 and “tell him to stand with Israel – NOT Iran.”

Congressman Nadler set of a fire-storm last week when he became the first Congressman from New York to announce his support for President Obama’s deal with Iran. Nadler’s decision to support the Iran deal was especially surprising considering Senator Chuck Schumer’s strong public opposition to the Iran deal just a few days earlier. Nadler was roundly condemned by Jewish leaders including those that represent his Brooklyn district: Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Councilman David Greenfield and Senator Simcha Felder. Hikind promised that the community would run a candidate against Nadler and spend millions to defeat him. Greenfield criticized Nadler for lying to the community when he told community leaders days before his announcement that he was undecided. Felder is headlining a rally against Nadler with holocaust survivors later today in front of Nadler’s office.


The decision by Nadler to support the Iran deal has opened a rift between Nadler and Brooklyn’s Jewish community which generally feels ignored by Nadler’s Upper West Side politics. However, the community traditionally supported Nadler based on his pro-Israel record. Nadler’s support for the Iran deal was an especially big blow for opponents of the deal because it provides political cover for non-Jews to vote in favor of the Iran deal. These critical ads are likely to be the first of a long campaign of disenfranchisement with Congressman Jerry Nadler within his traditional base of support in the Jewish community.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. I think there is still hope. I don’t believe Nadler and the other congressman would be stupid enough to vote for this thereby ending their political career without a doubt. We just have to give them and the other NY congressman a way to back out….However, if they do go through with this, we have to come out as a community with a vengeance and vote all of these democratic bums (except ofcourse Menendez and Schumer who should be honored at all of our events)….

  2. Congressman Jerry Nadler, listen to the words of Mordechai from 2,500 years ago, They may be related to you:

    “Do not think that you will escape the fate of all the Jews by being in the king’s palace. For if you will remain silent at this time, relief and salvation will come to the Jews from another source, and you and the house of your father will be lost. And who knows if it is not for just such a time that you reached this royal position.”

  3. Congressman Nadler……you should hide your face in shame! If you think your decision to back Obama’s Iran deal will get you to higher ranks in Obama’s ‘inner circle’, you’ve made the worst decision in your political career!
    The same Jews that needed you to come out in favor of Israel, will work their hardest to ‘retire’ you from Congress.
    I can’t imagine what you were thinking but your advisors really
    gave you the worst advice you could get.
    I hope they find you a new job after the next elections!
    Name withheld

  4. Please remember this at election time. Nadler needs to pay for this blatant affront to the Jewish community and to common sense. It’s obvious party comes first to Nadler, not his constituency. His love or fear of Obama overrides his “concern” for the community.

  5. The reason that these personal attacks against Nadler are valid and long awaited is simple. He was elected to represent his constituents in Congress, not Obama y”sh. And the arm twisting that the White House is totally immoral, and against the spirit of the Constitution. Nadler has been an Obama puppet for years, and he has once again told his constituents that when he needs to choose between us and Obama, he will abandon us. We, the public, have all read Obama’s letter to Nadler, and we have reacted in utter disgust, seeing another list of meaningless promises. Obama has the strongest record of not keeping promises than any other politician in our history. If not for the Democratic party machine, Obama would not be in office. And if not for the “tradition” of Jews voting Democratic, Nadler would not have merited getting into office. Hikind is correct. WE need to rise up as a community, and put other candidates onto the ticket, and into office.

    Nadler needs another job, and probably a diet, too.

  6. It’s about time someone got on Nadler’s case. Unfortunately, Mr. Nadler takes his Jews for granted. Did you ever get a newsletter from him like ALL the others? Notwithstanding the fact that the Midwood/Ocean Parkway area that Mr. Nadler ALSO represents, overwhelming made history by electing Republican Turner, Nadler only cares about his Manhattan ultra-Liberal constituents. This is a great idea to remind Mr. Nadler who the “silent majority” is.

  7. Our representative Eric Cantor stopped representing us a long time ago. We, the people, fired him.
    Sadly, politicians don’t learn from history. You folks in New York are going to have to show out in force and vote him out.

  8. Its not so easy to replace the fat pervert. They were saying the same thing about Shelly Silver for years. It is a heavily Liberal Democrat district. Even if the segments in Boro Park & other heimisha area’s all vote for an opponent, Manhattan will ALL vote Nadler. They don’t care about Jews or Israel. They’re happy with gay marriage, abortion & all the other immoral goodies Nadler brought them.

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