Nearly 800 Rabbis Sign Petition Opposing Iran Nuclear Deal

iraNearly 800 rabbis have signed an online petition opposing the Iran nuclear deal, while urging Congress to vote against it.

“We have weighed the various implications of supporting—or opposing—this agreement. Together, we are deeply troubled by the proposed deal, and believe this agreement will harm the short-term and long-term interests of both the United States and our allies, particularly Israel,” says the petition, which identifies its organizers as Rabbis Kalman Topp and Yonah Bookstein.

As of Monday, 790 ordained rabbis from across the U.S. had signed the petition. The organizers hope to gain 1,000 signatures by Sept. 7.

The petition describes how Iran will get nearly $150 billion in sanctions relief “without any commitment to changing its nefarious behavior,” noting that the Islamic Republic calls for Israel’s annihilation, denies the Holocaust, and finances terrorism throughout the world.

“We call upon our Senators and Representatives to consider the dangers that this agreement poses to the United States and our allies, and to vote in opposition to this deal,” says the petition.


7 Responses

  1. Why hasn’t that great friend of Israel, Senator Cory Booker, opposed the deal? Why are the Jewish community’s in NJ quietly letting him off the hook? We saw how he suddenly bailed out of the Agudas Israel dinner where he was supposed to be guest speaker. What are the Jews of New Jersey afraid of?

  2. My personal opinion is that this whole game of Israel opposing the Iran deal is that if isreal opposed the deal its more likely iran will stick to the deal because their hatred to Israel and if Israel would agree on the deal it would be more likely that Iran won’t stick to it
    And we shouldn’t take the The whole thing to serious cause it’s all apart of the plan

  3. If this Iran deal is indeed a probable Danger to Millions in Israel and in the long term millions of more Jews in the USA as well could there be a rabbinic question of whether it is actually Obligated for Jewish congress members to vote against this deal and a heavy wrong doing to vote for this deal? (may need to be spelled out clearly)

  4. “If this Iran deal is indeed a probable Danger to Millions in Israel”

    There is a good case to be made that REJECTING the Iran deal is an imminent danger to millions in Israel — that the deal is the only way to set back Iran’s nuclear program which is just months away from creating nuclear weapons.

  5. Ironically, satmar and hisachdus horabonim came out against those that oppose the deal, which puts them in sync with the reform rabbis.
    They have now shown their true colors.

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