Photo Essay: Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Making A Siyum Mesechta In His House (Photos by JDN)

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2 Responses

  1. To Mods/Editors: you don’t have to publish this comment. My intent here is solely constructive.
    Just as a written essay is not a mere collection of letters and words, so too a photo essay is not just a collection of photographs. The idea is to tell a story or document an occurrence using photos instead of words. These days using a digital camera or phone, people can snap 30-40 photos in an instant. That doesn’t make a series of essentially the same photo of Reb Chaim Kanievsky (or anyone else) learning from a sefer fromm different angles into an “essay.” The same way just slapping together the same words in different sentences does not constitute a written essay. I feel this is true for many if not all the other “photo essays” published on YWN. Nothing wrong with putting up several photos of Reb Chaim or a wedding or rachmana le’tzlan a levaya, but the number of photos doesn’t turn it into an “essay,” the same way a gaggle of words are not an essay. My intent is not stam to criticize, but to contribute to improving the appearance and quality of YWN. Again, it’s fine with me if you don’t publish this comment at all. Truly wishing you continued brachah ve’hatzlachah.

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