Hagon HaRav David Yosef Says Rabbi David Stav is ‘Reformed Jew With A Kippah’

dyoHagon HaRav David Yosef Shlita, a member of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Shas, has come out in harsh terms against Rabbi David Stav after this week’s launching of the new independent beis din for giyur, Giyur K’halacha. “My father spoke in harsh words against David Stav, among the heads of the movement.

Rabbi David Yosef spoke during a bar mitzvah in Ramat Gan on Thursday evening 28 Menachem Av. Rabbi Yosef spoke out against “the rebellion of the dati leumi rabbonim against the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to establish a beis din for alternative giyur as these rabbonim call it, and heading the list is Rav David Stav, a Reform [Jew] with a kippa”.

Rabbi Yosef added “Near his death” he stated, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L “spoke in harsh words against the head of this movement, David Stav”.

“I am telling you rabbosai, I have no doubt it will not take long until we all understand the significance of the matter. There is no difference between these people and the reform. They are reform with a kippa. Truly like this. This is much to say on the matter but this is not the place” he concluded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I always thought of the Chief Rabbinate as Dati Leumi. Those to the right of them I think of as Chareidi. Those to the left of them I think of as Modern Orthodox. Those to the left of MO I lump together as Open Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.

  2. Hmm, Rav Yosef does not comment about Rav Rabinovitch for some reason, or address the actual Halachic arguements, but resorts to personal attacks on Rav Stav. With no intent to be Poge’a in Rav Yosef’s Kavod, why does he feel the need to resort to a personal attack of this nature? Shouldn’t his Halachic arguements be able to stand on their own?

    an Israeli Yid (currently in CHU”L, where it’s not yet Shabbos)

  3. R’ David Yosef’s characterization of this man mirror those of his great father, who famously said that making him Chief Rabbi would be “like planting an asheira in the Bais HaMikdosh.:

    However, it should be noted that it is only the extreme liberal fringe of the D”L Rabbonim that are involved in this foolish endeavor. The greater part of the D”L Rabbonim (both in quantity and in quality) oppose this move. See: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/334396/dozens-of-leading-dati-leumi-rabbonim-are-opposed-to-the-new-beis-din-for-giur.html http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/333493/rav-druckman-today-alternative-giyur-and-tomorrow-reform-giyur.htmlf

  4. There are only two types of Jews (as Rav Gifter ztzvk”l would say); Torah Jews and non-Torah Jews. One CHaBa”D shaliach used to put it this way; there are observant Jews and non-observant YET. Either way, whoever is not guided by the Shulchan Aruch and Mesorah and whoever breaks away from the tzibur is reform so-to-speak. So who determins what is Torah Judaism and what is not, and is there only one way? Tough questions? Maybe not. If someone has a heart condition, he/she seeks, if possible, the opinion of the greatest in his/her field; someone who is day and night in the trenches and in the books. If someone is in need of a lawyer, he/she tries to hire the best out there; someone who has spent the vast majority of his/her time mastering the subject area (e.g. tax law, estate law, criminal law, civil law). Shouldn’t that be the case here as well. Someone who is busy with non-ruchni things cannot be as qualified as one who is Toraso umnaso.

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