Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau: Rabbonim And Dayanim are Under Attack

lauChief Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita on Thursday evening 28 Menachem Av spoke about the attack against the Chief Rabbinate of Israel by dati leumi rabbonim who launched a beis din for giyur.

“The Rabbanut and dayanus, rabbonim and dayanim are under attack of late, a harsh attack, an organization public media attack. Since Mount Sinai they have tried to fight struggle against Torah and its representatives. The rabbinic leadership has always objected to changes that may harm Torah, halacha and the shleimus of Am Yisrael”.

Rabbi Lau explained that on his watch the Rabbinate will continue working to be MeKadesh Shem Shomayim while making Torah accessible to all of Am Yisrael but without compromising on Toras Yisrael, halacha and tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation.

“It is my tefilla that the conflict will be resolved in an honorable fashion and not with sinas chinam and chilul Hashem. We will continue B’ezras Hashem to increase the Jewish spirit in Eretz Yisrael and to spread ahavas chinam for we are brothers”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If I met R’ Lau, I would tell him the following:

    Please go and talk to people who have been through the Giyur process at the Rabbanut. Ask them if they were treated according to Torah values”.

    I personally know people who have been through this process and they tell horror stories or maltreatment by the Rabbonim that goes WAY beyond what is required to ensure the person knows what they are getting themselves into.

    Perhaps this is another so-called “geder” or “chumra”.

    If the Rabbanut would clean up their act and start treating these individuals like human beings then perhaps their claim of “defending the Torah” would have some legs.

    The true Chillul Hashem is the behavior of the Dayanim.

  2. A political appointee complains that a Rav is attacking him? Maybe look into why people have this extreme distrust for the Rabbinate.

  3. “It is my tefilla that the conflict will be resolved in an honorable fashion and not with sinas chinam and chilul Hashem” – I think we can all agree to this sentiment. A good way to start is to avoid the vitupative ad homminem attacks that have characterized this disagreement to date.

    Please – let’s talk Halacha, and not resort to name-calling.

    an Israeli Yid (currently in CHU”L, where it’s not yet Shabbos)

  4. aml, please go and talk yo people who have been through any part of the infamous Israeli bureaucracy. I personally know people who have been through these processes, and they tell horror stories of maltreatment as well.
    To blame the widespread inefficiencies of Israeli bureaucracy on Rabbonim is ridiculous.

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