Elad Girl Dismissed from IDF Service Following Her Painful Ordeal

idf logoThe Elad girl taken from her home by military police in the middle of the night last week and inducted into the IDF has been released from military service.

The 18-year-old chareidi girl did not complete forms to declare her IDF status. Had she done so, she would have received a deferment from service. It also appears her name was accidentally omitted from the list of names submitted to the IDF by her high school. She was therefore listed AWOL (Absent without Official Leave) from military service, arrested, and inducted into the military. She was taken to a military jail, then military court, and then inducted against her will.

Due to the intervention of chareidi MKs and askanim in recent days, she has been discharged and released from military service. The announced release came in time to prevent a 13:30 protest at Kikar Shabbos on Monday, 25 Menachem Av. Pashkavilim appeared around Yerushalayim in the hope of bringing many participants to the protest, which was canceled.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. ‘Painful Ordeal’ my foot. She was given ample opportunities to file her request for exemption from service – but wouldn’t do it. She was then treated as being AWOL, as she should have been. It would be interesting to learn why she wouldn’t file her request for exemption from service until the media and the public got involved. Could it be that she actually wanted to serve but was frightened by the media exposure?

  2. accidentally omitted ??? For some reason I doubt that. In Elad someone must not like her family. She was meant to be the korben to incite a riot.

  3. Militaries should not seize civilians for paperwork errors. At worst, they should take to the office and give her a clipboard and tell her to file the form and pay a late filing fee. The only justification for spending significant resources to arrest someone when there is no chance would be conscripted, and putting her in a military prison is that this is a form of intimidation and harassment. It sounds like something out of Kafka (and one should note, that the military he is describing came to no good end).

  4. To comments 1,2 and 3:

    According to the law, religious girls do not go down to the Army headquarters to file a request for exemption. The schools automatically takes care of this for every girl and her name was accidentally omitted. The Army should have accepted this explanation from the school, as they knew it was true, and they know that these mistakes happen, and that she would never go into the Army anyway. But they look to harass the religious community as much as possible.

  5. akuperma: It wasn’t an issue of paperwork errors. It was deliberate in violating the law, which could have major repercussions.

    This was a self inflicted problem, so sympathy and excuse making is unwarranted.

  6. #5- That just doesn’t cut it. If a young lady does not file for exemption, either individually or through her school, the IDF starts its induction process which includes sending several rounds of ‘tzavim’ to her to report to an induction center for a series of evaluations. This process usually starts a year before induction. The young lady in question clearly had ample warning for a considerable period of time that the IDF had never received a request for exemption from her but she chose to do nothing. Furthermore, assuming that she did not report for evaluations, she would have been sent a series of letters explaining the consequences of her inaction. Still, she did nothing. When the MPs finally came and brought her to the induction center she would have been asked if she wishes to file a request for exemption yet, even then, she did not do so. When she was first brought before a military judge she would have been offered the opportunity to file a request for exemption yet again – and again she apparently declined to do so. There is more to this story than is being reported.

  7. All you anti chareidim are so naive!!
    You make it sound like the IDF was simply enforcing the law. IT DON’T WORK LIKE THAT IN ISRAEL!

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