SHOCK VIDEO: Louis Farrakhan Calls on Nation of Islam to Rise up and ‘Kill Those Who Kill Us’

9 Responses

  1. What is so Shocking? Once an anti-Semite, always an anti-Semite.
    Yet when he had severe health problems to whom did he go. Of course a Jewish Doctor.
    Anti Semitism is his profession similar to Sharpton , Jackson and the other anti Whites. This is how they make a living (paying no taxes and Owing the Gov’t huge tax bills).

  2. I don’t see that he was referring to Jews in this video. The man is an animal and rabid Anti-Semite, that is known, but not in this video. Why is this lunatic not locked up permanently? Is this not incitement to violence enough?? Incitement to militancy in my humble opinion.

  3. So the man speaks publicly for hours a week for half a century and said the phrase quoted in the headline*, does that mean it’s officially illegal under the punishment of blacklisting and torture (u& entire family & friends) to mention anything he’s ever said in a positive context ever again from this point?
    Can someone clarify, I don’t understand. Our government officials say that & much worse all the time. Is it only illegal in reference to an r1b entity, and perfectly legal in reference to EVERYBODY ELSE!?

  4. A major majority of murdered blacks is by blacks. He is advocated for death to blacks especially gangs. Why isn’t he number one of the 10,000?

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