Bayit Yehudi Party Leader Bennett Banned from Rabin Square Rally

benEducation Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Naftali Bennet was invited to be one of the speakers at the motzei Shabbos Nachamu rally at Rabin Square calling for an end to violence in society and tolerance. The rally was prompted by the stabbing attack at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade which took place last week, leaving six people injured, some in serious condition.

Bennett’s aides explained the minister agreed to speak amid an awareness it was not going to be a friendly crowd. On his way to the event, the minister received a request not to appear, a request made by organizers as they feared the reception he receives from participants may be unruly or worse.

Bayit Yehudi Yinon Magal, who also planned to attend, was also asked not to do so. He too complied.

Bennett’s office staff released the following message to the media. “We are saddened over the decision that the Minister of Education did not attend the rally calling for solidarity and tolerance as he was informed his planned appearance was canceled. To remove any doubt, if organizers would have changed their minds the minister would have attended and delivered a message as one who represents a large tzibur in the State of Israel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. They were afraid he would be beaten up by the protesters for “an end to violence in society and tolerance”. Hmm…

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