BREAKING VIDEO: Neutrei Karta Waves Iranian Flags At Anti-Nuke Rally In Times Square

11 Responses

  1. Do the “naturei Karta” realize that the people of that flag want them DEAD? (even if Israel didn’t exist c”v)

  2. Such a Chilul Hashem. They should go live in Iran or Gaza. The whole world is suffering from these people and they’re not ashamed to hold hands with them

  3. This rally was not a Israeli rally so much as a rally against the ruthless Iranian dictatorship and its policies.

    Yet, the NK felt it was their obligation to be at this rally in favor of Iran.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the members of the NK are not Jewish and their is good reason to question their yichus. They are no different than or shall I say equal to the Nazis yemach shemom.

  4. They are cute bunch for sure, would love to meet the wives & kids one day!!!

    So misguided, misinformed and full of inaccuracies in their Torah learning (wait… Who says they learn Torah)

  5. Yosef Stern,
    You and the garbage in the video again validate the enigma that there are more caudal sections of the equine species in this world than there are cranial sections

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