Hikind Calls on Schumer to Publicly Oppose and Fight Iran Deal

DOV-HIKINDAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) called on Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) to publicly oppose the Iran deal and to commit to leading the fight to stop it in Congress.

“We’ve listened to Senator Schumer for years and how he takes every opportunity to explain the origin of his name Schumer and what it means for him to be a proud “Shomer”—which in Hebrew means protector. From your time as Congressman to one of the most powerful members of the Senate, Senator Schumer, you have repeatedly called yourself our ‘shomer’ (protector). Now is the time to live up to your claim and put your words into action. We need you to demonstrate leadership on one of most critical foreign policy issues of our time. Be our protector and stop this terrible deal,” said Hikind.

Hikind added, “Senator Schumer says he will “do the right thing.” These are unprecedented times and it’s time to stop this deal, which is disastrous for America and our allies in the Middle East. This will define your legacy. Please do not allow partisan politics or any other considerations to cloud your judgment.”

“I call upon all New Yorkers to contact Senator Schumer’s office – call him at 202-224-6542, Tweet him @SenSchumer, e-mail him, let him know how you feel. Senator Schumer is a powerful voice in Congress and he needs to hear from you. Now is not the time to be silent.”

Contact Information for Senator Charles E. Schumer

New York:
Phone: 212-486-4430
Fax: 202-228-2838

Washington, D.C.:
Phone: 202-224-6542
Fax: 202-228-3027

Web: http://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
Twitter: @SenSchumer

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Chuckey’s got more important issues to deal with, like kvetching about the rising price of Cheerios.

  2. Senator Schumer is presently “in hiding”. Don’t be surprised if Chuck is not in the forefront of opposing Obama on this Iranian deal. He knows that you liberal New Yorkers will vote for him regardless of him taking a stand. You would have not have had to be asking Al D’Amato for his support on this issue if he was in office. Elections have consequences, now you have Obama’s lap dog as your representative.You only have yourselves to blame.

  3. Shumer cannot be trusted. He will lie to your face and has no personal feeling or sympathy for the Jewish soul.

  4. Prediction: The Democrats (those who booed God and Israel at the Democratic National Convention) and President Obama will ‘allow’ Senators Schumer, Menendez, etc. to vote against the deal, while maintaining 34 votes supporting the President’s veto.

    The Saudi Arabian prince summed it up quite well: Clinton erred when he allowed North Korea to become a nuclear power, Obama is intentionally allowing Iran to become a nuclear pariah.

    Elections have consequences, and those who were not yet hurt by Obamacare, Obamanomics, ISIS, etc. may regret voting for him or for the arch-liberals (e.g. deBlasio) that have hijacked the political landscape in the US.

  5. Dear DOV

    Don’t be upset SCHUMER like ALL politician

    He will VOTE for this deal 100%

    He is OBAMAS man & he will sell all NEW


    All time when I tried meet with him he refused

    As fact he talking with massmedia (his reporters) ONLY sundays! !

    “Senator Schumer says he will “do the right thing.” – SHOW
    ONE thing which he did right?

  6. Call ed chuckles office and was told I was only one. Told them my wife and five married children just called using my phone. Call call let him no we vote He’s power hungry and doesn’t want to lose Let him no you vote

  7. Re comment no. 4: Would you please explain the difference, if any, between (i) hijacking the political landscape in the US, and (ii) winning elections? The only political hijacking I am aware of in the US is the election of the president in 2000.

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