Statement From Agudath Israel of America on Iranian Nuclear Agreement

agudUpon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement regarding the agreement announced on July 14 concerning Iran’s nuclear program, and calling for both political and spiritual advocacy:

Deep concerns have been expressed by many knowledgeable groups and individuals regarding the agreement announced on July 14 concerning Iran’s nuclear program. These concerns raise serious questions whether the agreement is in the best interests of the United States and its allies.

The nation that has the greatest stake in this matter is Israel, which is the declared target of Iranian genocidal ambitions. It is noteworthy, therefore, that not only the prime minister of Israel and its ruling coalition, but the entire spectrum of political ideologies in Israel, have spoken out about the mortal danger they believe the agreement poses to Israel, and are urging its rejection by the United States Congress.

We have no doubt that the White House and its team of negotiators, in conjunction with its other partners, acted in good faith in reaching an agreement with the Iranians, and with the commendable goal of reducing the Iranian nuclear threat to America and its allies including Israel. However, we cannot disregard the opinions of so many that the agreement is not in the best interests of America and its allies, and certainly not in the best interests of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel.

That is especially so in light of the undisputed and indisputable fact that Iran is a rogue state, which has fomented terror and destruction throughout the Middle East and beyond. It has been, and continues to be, fully committed to the destruction of Israel. Nothing in the agreement requires Iran to renounce its support of terror or its goal of genocide. Nothing in the policies or conduct of the Iranian government provides any realistic basis for confidence that it will live up to its obligations under the agreement, that it will not use the billions of dollars it will receive under the agreement to fund terror activities by Iranian proxies such as Hamas and Hizbollah, that it will not stockpile other deadly weapons and eventually even develop nuclear weaponry after certain designated periods of time, or that it has any intention of abandoning its genocidal ambitions.

These considerations must be at the very forefront of Congress’ deliberations as it now carries out its awesome responsibility of independently reviewing the agreement and determining whether the agreement is truly in the best interests of America and its allies.

To our own community, we reiterate the foundation principle that our security comes ultimately from Hashem, G-d Himself. Rabos machshavos b’lev ish, while man may have many thoughts and designs, atzas Hashem hie sakum, it is Hashem’s design that prevails.

Surely we must do our advocacy, including reaching out to Congress and other relevant parties; that is part of our “shtadlonus” obligation under the clear mandate of Torah. However, the most important advocacy we can do is to turn to Hashem, to recognize that teshuva tefilla u’tzedaka ma’avirin es ro’a hagezeira, repentance, prayer and acts of charity are the keys to our salvation.

This is a period of somber reflection for the Jewish people. May the challenging developments in the world around us remind us of how fragile our existence truly is, and how totally dependent we are on the protective embrace of the one-and-only Shomer Yisroel, the Heavenly Guardian of the Jewish People.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. The nuclear deal is indeed a complex issue to deal with as US citizens and members of the Jewish people. While on the one hand you want to believe that the Obama administration has the right intentions and mutual concerns where this deal would lead down the road. There’s the other hand, that we as Jews may have a strong sense of paranoia and carry heavy suspicion (Justifiably so!) of making a deal with a country who vows to wipe our brethren in the State of Israel off the map. Now all that being said, you don’t want to hear representative organizations making declarative statements condemning the deal and seemingly ridiculing the foolishness of the White House and State Department on the sole basis of it being a potential danger for the State of Israel alone. Like it or not there are other elements and considerations that go into these negotiations and this is US foreign policy not Israeli.
    Therefore i’d like to commend Agudath Israel of America for striking the perfect tone and balance; respecting the process and members of it and expressing the rightful concerns of our community. Well done!

  2. Agudath Israel, have you forgotten that we are in exile?!

    Rashi on Devarim (28:66) says, “In exile Jews will not be sure of safety from violence. As to their livelihood, they will depend on what they can buy day by day, never being sure that the markets will not be shut down, in general or specifically to Jews.

    The Meiri says, “If misfortune rains upon the Jews themselves, they should assume responsibility for the tragedy…” (Artscroll Yevamos 63a, note 44)

    We also fail to recognize that “We are a nation that will dwells alone and among the nations will not be recognized.” (see Bamidbar 23:9)

    Man will not bring salvation to our current situation. Only our Creator will (see Tehillim 118:8-9, then 5-7 and 146:3)

    Rabbi Avigdor Miller said, “… You’ll see someday in Washington – in the White House – a very big anti-Semite. I’m telling you, you’ll see it. It’ll be a great blessing for us. Then, maybe, at least Orthodox Jews will start coming together, crying out to Hashem for help.”
    – Lessons of Purim (#731)

    The Gemara (Megillah 14a) says, “The removal of Achashveirosh signet ring, with which Haman sealed his evil decree, was greater than the forty-eight prophets and seven prophetesses who prophesied to Israel. For they were all unable to return the Jews to the path of righteousness, whereas removal of the signet ring did return the Jews to the path of righteousness.

    Similarly Obama (Achashveirosh) is trying sign the Iranian Nuclear Agreement (I.e. giving his signet ring) to the Iranian president (Haman). Upon who can we rely on for our security? Our Father in Heaven (see Sotah 49b).

    Return again, return again. Return to our Father in Heaven. For only He can save us, not man. Return to our Father in Heaven!

  3. We should daven to Hashem that same-gender marriages be absolved & vouchers/funds for yeshivos increased by government and skip the letter writhing & rallies?

  4. Everyone should come to live in Israel and show that you really believe, “how TOTALLY dependent we are on the protective embrace of the one-and-only Shomer Yisroel, the Heavenly Guardian of the Jewish People. ”
    Otherwise, it’s just nice diplomacy.
    At least they said that people should petition Congress.

  5. Regarding Jerseyguy, I like the response of the OU They showed how the Iran deal is a danger to the US AND Israel.
    We of course have the old and correct line that Israel is the only democracy with democratic values and reliably steady US supporting in the entire Middle East, Persian Gulf and North Africa and a danger to it is against the security interests of the US and the free world. Regarding the US directly, Iran is not obligated by the deal to stop its anti-US rallies and in about 5 years can continue its ballistic missile work. it will also get many billions of dollars soon with which it will be able to strengthen its military defensive and offensive abilities to threaten several US allies in the region including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and others. With continual work on its ballistic missiles it is not unrealistic for Iran to have missiles that can reach the US and after 10 years have them with Nuclear warheads. The Middle East may very likely start having more nuclear weapons due to fear of Iran and thats a danger to US – world interests as well.

  6. With the wealth of billions of dollars that will come in to Iran they will move up from a regional power to a world power and we in the USA will be threatened as well. Russia and North Korea will be allied with Iran and a World War will be on the horizon. It’s Chamberlain policy being repeated. How does one make an agreement with a sworn enemy? אנא השם הושיעה נא! We have to do תשובה and hope that this time משיח will surely come. the ילקוט says that in the end of days Persia (Iran) will start a war and the whole world will tremble. Before this era it was unimaginable, today it’s a realistic possibility.

  7. Reply to roshvrishon:

    Rabbi Yitzchak said,(1) The year that Melech HaMashiach will be revealed, all the kings [leaders] of the nations will be struggling against each other. The leader of Persia will con-test with the leader of Arabia, and the leader of Arabia will go to Rome [whoever is the leading modern-day Christian superpower] to get council from them. The leader of Persia will respond and act to destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains.

    The Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying, ‘Where can we go? Where can we go?” And [Hashem] will say to them: “My children do not fear! Everything I did, I did only for you!(2) Why are you frightened? Don’t be afraid — the days of your redemption have arrived!’”

    1. Yalkut Shimoni, Yeshayahu, Remez 499.

    2. I.e. Why did we as a nation, suffer so much in Golus? The Gemara answers, “Misfortune comes to the world only on account of Israel” (Yevamos 63a). When did this start? “From the day that the Beis HaMikdosh was destroyed, there is no day without its curse” (Sotah 48a). The Ramchal in Da’as Tevunos (Simanim 40 and 142) understands this to be a symptom of the hester panim, the hiding of Hashem’s presence, that coincided (resulted?) from the destruction of the Beis HaMikdosh. It is an expression of the relationship between the general quality of life in the world and the expression of Hashem’s presence in the world. When Hashem’s presence is hidden, which happened with the destruction of the Temple, “curse” or deficiency and ruin, increased in the world.

    Reply to tirtza:
    You said, “Everyone should come to live in Israel and show that you really believe ‘how TOTALLY dependent we are on the one-and-only Shomer Yisroel.”

    I like your suggestion. However Hashem already told us, “I will scatter them and then I will gather them (Devarim 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; Yeshayah 11:12 and Yerimyahu 23:8)

  8. Some believe (including the Vilna Gaon, whose talmidim started the ingathering, earlier for Sephardim) that H’ is gathering us now.
    Be”H it will not be like what happened in the days of Ezra when the best, most learned, remained in Bavel, thus delaying the Redemption.

    Please come! H’ yaazor.

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