OU And RCA: Iran Deal Has Been Found Wanting; Preparing to Mobilize Synagogues Across US

iraThe following is a Statement By The OU And RCA:

In the wake of announcements by the government of the United States, its five negotiating partners and the Iranian regime of a deal with regard to Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the following statement was issued jointly by the leaderships of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the Rabbinical Council of America (respectively, the largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization and the largest national rabbinic membership organization nationwide):

The leaders of the Orthodox Union and Rabbinical Council of America are gravely concerned about the deal announced yesterday between the U.S. and its five negotiating partners and the Iranian regime.

Given the gravity of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and this complex agreement, we did not— despite our skepticism—formulate a position or issue a policy statement about it immediately after President Barack Obama announced the deal at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. Rather, we took the time to read the agreement, hear from senior Obama Administration officials as well as Israeli leaders, and consider the analysis of experts in the field.

Our assessment of the agreement, and of the presentations by government officials and analysts, is driven by one fundamental question: Will the proposed agreement protect the security of the United States, Israel and our other allies?

By this standard, we have found the deal with Iran seriously wanting and will mobilize our member rabbis and synagogues throughout the nation to urge Congress to fulfill their mandate and disapprove the agreement.

At this time, we note two critical concerns about the agreement. First, the inspections regime is insufficient to ensure Iran cannot cheat and surreptitiously develop nuclear weapons, despite President Obama’s promise that the deal would be subject to the toughest verification and inspections in the world. This agreement falls far short of providing “anytime, anywhere” inspections by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitors. Moreover, the agreement gives Iran the ability to deflect inspections at a site for enough time (more than three weeks) to remove and hide materiel it does not want discovered.

Second, President Obama asserted that “we are giving up nothing” by testing Iran’s compliance with the deal. However, under this agreement Iran will receive billions of dollars in funds that it can use to fuel even more terrorism and destabilizing activities across the globe.

Congress’ consideration of this agreement over the next 60 days is likely the most important foreign policy decision of our generation. It must consider the concerns raised above and other critical issues we will raise in the coming days.

The Orthodox Union and Rabbinical Council of America—through the OU Advocacy Center—will work in the coming weeks to mobilize our rabbis and synagogues across the United States to ensure our elected representatives hear our concerns and fulfill their solemn responsibility to protect and defend our vital national security interests.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Story of Purim all over again
    Same Iran..
    Obama is Acashverosh…
    Iran is Haman…
    And we only Hashem knows…
    Hashem Yazor

  2. Reply to by kehath64:
    The Gemara (Megillah 14a) says, “The removal of Achashveirosh signet ring, with which Haman sealed his evil decree, was greater than the forty-eight prophets and seven prophetesses who prophesied to Israel. For they were all unable to return the Jews to the path of righteousness, whereas removal of the signet ring did return the Jews to the path of righteousness.

    Similarly Obama (Achashveirosh) is signing a peace treaty (I.e. giving his signet ring) to the Iranian president (Haman). When our nation realizes that there’s nothing we can do about it we will turn to our Father in heaven.
    As Rav Avigdor miller slays,
    “You’ll see someday in Washington – in the White House – a very big anti-Semite. I’m telling you, you’ll see it. It’ll be a great blessing for us. Then, maybe, at least Orthodox Jews will start coming together, crying out to Hashem for help.”
    – Lessons of Purim (#731)

    Reply to voseppes:
    Don’t say Tehillim that this situation should go away. Rather say Tehillim and daven that Hashem should redeem us.

  3. A fat lot of good our petitioning the government is going to do. Obama does not care what anyone else says–EVER.

  4. Reply to Yosef Stern:

    Both yours, and more. Use this situation to say Tehillim and thereby acquire a greater emunah in Hashem. From that, hatzalah and geula can come more readily.

  5. My concern is that people will look at the situation, think that there’s no way they can influence their representatives, throw up their hands, give up, and never even try to do anything. Or they will figure that the askanim will take care of it.

    And therefore, I say that there is plenty for everyone to do. If we knew the effect of saying one Ashrei, we would say it all day. After all, the best lobbyists can say whatever they can, but who says that Congress will listen?

  6. Is thatxwhy Rav Kanievsky tore kriah at the Kosel, the same day the Iran deal was made? Perhaps the Gadol knew that tzaros are upon us?
    It makes me wonder why the gadol said a short time ago that mashiach is coming at the end of the shmittah year ( September 12, 2015). Does that mean that the worst is coming and the end will be the best news ever?

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