Clinton Says She Opposes Boycott Effort Against Israel

hilHillary Rodham Clinton says in a letter to American Jewish organizations that she opposes a grassroots protest movement promoting boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel over policies involving the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

Clinton says in the letter released Monday that she agrees on the need to make countering the so-called BDS movement a priority. The letter dated July 2 asks for advice on how to “fight back against further attempts to isolate and delegitimize Israel.”

The movement has gained strength on U.S. college campuses and in Europe. The Israeli government and many Jewish leaders call the movement anti-Semitic and an attempt to discredit Israel.

Clinton says in the letter that the movement “seeks to punish Israel” and dictate how Israelis and Palestinians should try to resolve the conflict.


6 Responses

  1. Wow, Bubbe is just great. Bubbe, you claim you want “advice” on how to deal with this situation. Why don’t you speak to Bernie Sanders? He’s Jewish.

  2. I wonder what Clinton aide Huma Abedin feels about this.She’s her right hand “man”. Keep in mind that Abedin’s family has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Doesn’t matter Clinton goes to the highest bidder.

  3. where was she when she was secretary of state? does she include the west bank in her position( not the way the president and the state department mislead everyone before we read the fine print).

  4. Can anyone believe anything she says. Just Chk her track record.
    Hillary where are the records. Under your bed like the legal records where

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