Kosel Rav: Everything Possible Must be Done to Keep Jews Off of Har Habayis

koselRav of the Kosel and holy sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, spoke with the dati leumi Kippa website, discussing a number of issues including visits to Har Habayis. The interview was conducted on Wednesday, 15 Tammuz, ahead of the fast day 17 Tammuz which is observed on Sunday this year. Following are portions of the rav’s interview.

The rav speaks of the siege on the holy city, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. Rabbi Rabinowitz points out that just this week a 2000 year old mikve was found in a Jerusalem home during renovations, adding in Yerushalayim “We are always touching elements of our history”.

Rabbi Rabinowitz is the target of much criticism on a daily basis concerning a number of holy sites under his jurisdiction including the Kosel, Har Habayis, and Kever David. Whatever policy decision is made at the sites mentions, there is a large audible voice of disapproval from liberals and conservatives alike. At Kever Dovid the rav explains he is maintaining the ‘status quo’ yet he is accused of backing down to the Vatican, permitting Christian prayer at the site. The rav insists that he is safeguarding Kever Dovid, which he insists is a very important site for the Jewish People.

At the Kosel the voice of disapproval comes from elements who wish to change the long-standing adherence to traditional halacha and on Har Habayis, there is a growing momentum, rabbonim primarily from non-chareidi Orthodox communities who advocate visiting Har Habayis. Regarding the Kosel he explains there are persons who disregard the word of gedolei yisrael and insist on “provocative acts” at the site once monthly”, pointing a finger at the Women of the Wall (WoW) organization. He explains the site is very sensitive and the slightest change can upset the delicate balance. He is critical of their rosh chodesh davening, with some wearing a tallis and tefilin along with their repeated efforts to read from a Sefer Torah.

“I am opposed to any change from the status quo which is what Women of the Wall are working towards…Everyone knows this cannot work including if an admor wishes to hold a tisch at the Kosel. We set regulations in place, operating in a transparent fashion and each person cannot decide s/he wishes to make one change or another while ignoring the laws and regulations at these sites”.

“Their battle is not a Torah one, rather one to define the character of the Kosel and the State of Israel” Rabbi Rabinowitz adds. The rav calls for a dialogue but take the Kosel out of the equation. He adds that in his message to the WoW organization, he is conducting himself like Melech Shlomo, warning if one wishes the entire pie one may be left with nothing, stressing “The Kosel must be for everyone, united and not divided so one side must be willing to give in somewhat”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Newspaper interviews are nice, but let him write a formal teshuva, using lomdus, ra’ayos, and analysis, just as those in favor have done.

  2. #1
    It’s the closest place were the bais hamikdash was – in fact, it was one of the outer walls.

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