Hamas Reveals its New Terror Tunnel to the World

ttuSpeaking with the Iranian media, Hamas is reporting it has completed a new terror tunnel that reaches Israel, to be used to attack Israel in the next military conflict. According to the report in al-Alam, the tunnel is 3.5 km (2.1 miles) long.

It is not clear if the tunnel is new or a rehabilitated tunnel from the last conflict with Israel in the summer of 2014, Operation Protective Edge, nor does it matter. What is clear is that Hamas is determined to continue the state of war with Israel, uninterested in reaching any peace agreement or understanding with Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Why doesn’t the IDF lace it with poisonous gasses? Then the terrorists died in their own terror cell! The IDF is clean!

  2. This was built with the cement allowed into Gaza by the ‘occupiers’ for ‘humanitarian purposes’.
    But according to the UN, Israel is still the aggressor.
    And I hate to think how many children were killed building those tunnels!
    Or is that Israel’s fault as well? One never knows what the criminals on the UN ‘Human Rights’ Council will come up with!
    May Hamas and all our enemies be wiped out along with those tunnels before they have a chance to use them.
    Omein Kein yehi rotzon

  3. I hope yitzyk is joking. Didn’t Israel talk about their technology to detect tunnels? Why did they wait for the tunnel to be completed?

  4. Yitzyk,

    Seriously? Well, have a chat with your Hamas buddies down in Hamastan (aka Gaza). They claim it’s to attack Israel and I have little reason to doubt them.

    Somehow I think your comment is to irritate people on this blog and isn’t serious, but on the chance you are actually that naive……

  5. It is simply amazing how Hamas can actually boast to the world what it’s heinous intentions are and still get let off the hook with all blame just dropped on Israel’s doorstep…. It’s Israel who is the violator of human rights! But it is precisely these “UN reports” that give them legitimacy and the right of way to be even more open about their ultimate goals. Why hide when the UN will pat you on the back?

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