UPDATED: Knife-Wielding Man Threatens To Kill Jews In Shul On Monday Morning

It was a terrifying few moments in the Kollel Yechiel Yehuda (“Chassidish Kollel”) in Los Angeles, but thankfully no one was injured.

According to eyewitnesses, the man walking into the Shul located on N La Brea Ave and Rosewood Avenue at around 7:30 Monday morning, while the Shul was full of people Davening Shacharis. The man pulled out a knife and began screaming that he was going to kill all the Jews.

Two men attempted to restrain him while others called police. Somehow, the man managed to break loose and escaped prior to the arrival of police.

The LAPD arrived quickly and searched the area for the man, but as of this posting – no arrests have been made.

The man is described as man in his 40’s, with a thin build. A better description will be published later.

Sources tell YWN that the SHul has security cameras which detectives are going through to get a better description of the suspect.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)


2 Responses

  1. Please verify your story next time. I was there. This is not at all what happened.
    The person came in, and bent down. He muttered stuff outloud. When one of the people davening turned around (who as a big guy) the person got up and left. Most people in shul did not know anything was happening until after davening.

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