GOP White House Hopefuls Deride Same-Gender Marriage Ruling

huckRepublican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told conservatives Saturday that the Supreme Court tried to “unwrite the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God” when it legalized same-gender marriage across the nation.

The former Arkansas governor suggested that people in the United States flout the ruling, as President Abraham Lincoln did in the wake of the justices’ 1857 decision that blacks could not be citizens. Huckabee also pointed out that President Barack Obama opposed same-gender marriage until 2012.

“He was either lying in 2008, or he’s lying now, or God has rewritten the Bible and only Barack Obama has gotten the new edition,” Huckabee told the crowd at the Western Conservative Summit.

Huckabee was among the GOP presidential hopefuls at the gathering, which followed a week in which the high court also upheld Obama’s signature health care law. The Republicans offered few suggestions on what to do about the same-gender marriage ruling, highlighting the party’s challenges on social issues ahead of the 2016 elections.

Joining Huckabee at the conference was Republican hopefl Carly Fiorina, who said she supports civil unions. She said opponents of the ruling should now focus efforts on religious freedom in public accommodations, such as cases of bakers facing penalties for refusing to serve same-gender couples.

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry derided the ruling but didn’t suggest a next step.

“These decisions need to be made in the states,” said Perry, who noted that his states’ rights plank extends even to Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana in defiance of federal drug law.

“I defend the right of Colorado to be wrong on that issue,” Perry said. The crowd chuckled.

Scheduled to conclude the gathering Saturday was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has called for a constitutional amendment to undo the marriage ruling.

On Friday, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said the gay marriage ruling was “based on a lie” that same-gender-marriage opponents are motivated by discrimination.

“We have a Supreme Court that says the only reason that you could possibly oppose changing marriage laws in America is because you hate people who want to marry people of the same gender. That is not true,” Santorum said.


8 Responses

  1. Mike Huckabee told conservatives Saturday that the Supreme Court tried to “unwrite the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God” Mike Huckabee is so correct & so on the ball; Even 44.444% of the supreme court felt likewise.

  2. “He was either lying in 2008, or he’s lying now, or God has rewritten the Bible and only Barack Obama has gotten the new edition,” Huckabee told the crowd

    Great line.
    WHY HAVEN’T WE HEARD SUCH TALK FROM OUR ORGANIZATIONS/ASKONIM? Are they so farkoeft? They are petrified of being called “insensitive” “bigot” “racist” etc…? They are more concerned what the wicked call them, rather then what the Torah Hakdosha calls them!

    I trust a Huckabee or a Santorum more than any of “Unzera” scardy cats to safeguard our Torah values.

  3. NGI – In my town, Not only they don’t come out against it, but they’ve consistently supported candidates that support gay rights!

  4. Marriage is a religious concept. Each religion defines marriage according to its own rules. For example, islam permits multiple wives, and Roman Catholicism prohibits divorce.
    That said, “civil marriage” is am oxymooron like military intelligence. However, since the civil government grants certain rights to all couples they consider to be married, there is NO ligitimate reason to deny these rights to ssame sex couples. if such couples offend your religious beliefs, that is your privilege, but their civil rights cannot and should not be denied.

  5. The trick is to support the traditional reasons for marriage, a socio-economic framework for protectind dependent mothers and their children – without attempting to put the government in chrage regulating what one does in bed and with whom.

    In all fairness, there was no logic in offering the economic benefits of marriage to childless couples, and no reason not to extend the economic benefits of marriage to non-married people who raising a child (whether they be same sex couple, or a relative who is taking responsibility to act in loco parentis for a child who has lost one its parents whether that loss was due to death, divorce, or the parent being a jerk who runs away and refused to take care of the kid).

  6. The liberal media were the fifth column in pushing the gay agenda.

    Black leaders were against it.

    The Supreme Court is wrong. There is a Supreme Judge who overruled them.

    A great Tsunami backlash is coming in the near future that will knockout gay sodomy as well as gay marriage.

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