Vishnitzer Rebbe: There is Yiddishkheit Around the World In The Zechus Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe

hagSpeaking to thousands of chassidim on Shabbos Parshas Korach, the Vishnitzer Rebbe discussed his relationship with the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L. “In his merit there is Yiddishkheit around the world” stated the rebbe.

The Chabad kehilla and Jews around the world on Shabbos marked the 21st yahrzeit of the rebbe, 3 Tammuz. Tens of thousands of mispallalim have already visited the ohel.

During his divrei torah on the Friday night tisch, the rebbe spoke of the uniqueness of the late rebbe, sharing details of his first visit with the rebbe in Teves 5744, 31 years ago. The late rebbe spoke with the Vishnitzer and his entourage for 20 minutes and then the two rebbe met alone for over an hour.

He explained that the Lubavitcher Rebbe asked him to deliver a message to his father, the Yeshuos Moshe of Vishnitz ZT”L, who at the time was among the leaders of the Moetzas Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael. He did not detail the message.

He spoke of the Rebbe’s koach and how he literally brought Yiddishkheit to all corners of the world, bringing countless numbers of Yidden back to a live of Torah observance.

The Vishnitzer Rebbe also highlighted the simplicity of the rebbe and his lifestyle and the modesty in which he lived and conducted himself, sacrificing everything for the Klall.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. And Reb Shnayur Kotler who’s yortzeit was also shabbos spread TORAH across the world with all Lakewood kollels.

  2. Modern day Rebbes could learn a lot from the simplicity of the lifestyle of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe zy”a. Not for him the gold bekitcher or the solid silver decanters, not for him the ridiculously long titles, not for him the first class flights surrounded by a cadre of hangers on.

  3. I the zechus of hafatzas yiddishkeit and toras hbaal Shem tov may we be zoche to be mekabel pnei mashiach bmehaira

  4. Why does everything have to always be about competition between different sects and leaders of Judaism? Both leaders accomplished amazing things and should each be appreciated for what they did. Just because one Gadol is praised does not mean that the other is insignificant.

  5. #2 (Avreimi) FYI the gold bekichas etc. is NOT a thing made by the rebbes of today it was worn by the greatest of the great as far back as 200-250 years ago. The holy Riziner, Chernabler, Karliner are just some of the many tzadikim that went like that.

  6. #7: That is who #2 is trying to put down. Obviously the generation of today is following in the footsteps of the past, and each Rebbe guided his Kehillah according to the needs of the time and place for which he was leader.

    #6: You are right about it not being competition. But not mentioning a Gadol if it is his Yar Tzeit while mentioning another does seem to indicate that that person does not feel the other Gadol worth to mention.

  7. Lakewood did a great deal. They pioneered the modern kollel in America.

    And Chabad brought yiddishkeight to the farthest corners of the planet at an unbelieavble scale.

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