MK Maklev Warns the Security Situation on Har HaZeisim Continues to Deteriorate

hhaMK Uri Maklev told a session of the Knesset Interior Committee on Monday, 28 Sivan that despite added police and other measures, the security situation on Har HaZeisim continues to deteriorate.

During the session Maklev detailed some of the recent security incident that occurred including rock-throwing attacks at persons visiting Har HaZeisim. The chareidi MK pointed out the added security funding and measures taken to date have not resolved the situation.

“The various agencies have called for increased manpower to secure the area, explaining the attacks occur due to the lack of a constant police presence including a substation that must be manned round-the-clock. Maklev feels there is also a lack of technological equipment used to secure the area, citing those responsible blame this on a lack of funding.

Israel Police Commander Chaim Shmuel took part in the meeting and he spoke of the situation in both the eastern and western capital. He explains police are suggesting the closure of a number of roads leading to the area.

Committee Chairman MK David Amsellem of Likud has called for declaring Har HaZeisim as a national heritage site and to increase the constant security presence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The Charedi parties in the KNESSET have never advocated the view of Yerushalayim HA-SHELAYMA,,,, and has never rallied for East Yerushalayim sovereignty.

    NOW, that Har Hazesim is being attacked, destroyed and demolished by Arabs the voice of the Charedim is loud, Kol Hakavod we are all with you!!!

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