Lakewood: Toddler Severely Injured by Vehicle Backing out of Driveway

lA toddler was severely injured this morning after being struck by a vehicle backing out of a driveway, TLS is reporting. The approximately 2-year-old boy was reportedly walking near his home just before 9 AM when he was struck.

Hatzolah Paramedics responded to the scene and found the child with severe injuries, police say.

The child was transported to Jersey Shore University Medical Center. His name is Dovid ben Esther for Tehillim.

Lakewood’s Traffic Safety division, CSI and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office are investigating the incident.

(Source: TLS)

4 Responses

  1. While people will no doubt scream that it should be mandatory for people to install backup cameras etc., it is much more important for people to start a campaign that people should watch their kids better. I do not live in Lakewood but I visit often and it is nothing short or miraculous that accidents like these don’t occur every day. Children are always playing outside unsupervised, in the streets, with bikes and other riding toys and it is sakanos nefashos mamish. It is not uncommon to see children in pajamas, roaming around alone outside. In addition they have those water reservoirs, often with the gates open or unsecured adding to the danger if unsupervised children. It’s about time something is done about it. PEOPLE, START WATCHING YOUR KIDS!

  2. Heilige Yidden!! Rachmanim bnei rachmanim!!
    Take this plea to heart and perhaps you will save a life.

    We are all in a big rush when we run out of the house and jump in to the car to go where we have to. We don’t take the time to look behind the car to see if a child is sitting on a tricycle in the driveway.

    But when we return home we are a bit less rushed.

    So let us take a moment to turn the car around and -after checking if it’s clear of people, bikes etc.- we should back in to the driveway. This way, when you come running out in a hurry there is a clear view of what stands between your car and the street.

    By making a takana in every development (where the existence of driveways is prevalent) to back in, we will save Klal Yisroel from tragedies. Please! Do it for your children and your neighbors children and together may we never know of any more sorrow.

  3. It is a pity that a child get hurt, and I sympathize with the family involved, I don’t live in lakewood, but I work in lakewood on a daily basis and if the truth must be told, without mincing words; lakewood is one of the worse place to drive in or drive by, “everybody” drives without any respect for traffic rules. Infact most of them comes/rush out from their drive ways and adjacent streets with stopping or trafficking for the on coming vehicle. It is so sad. I wish government can mandate a routine defense driving in that neighbourhood, because this is just a tip of the iceberg and serious injuries can be averted if government is proactive enough. “A word is enough for the wise” (anonymous). Once again accept my sympathy for your trouble.

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