Letter From Leading Elad Rov Slams ‘Mekubalim’ Dealing With ‘Dibuk’

dibAmid reports that a Holon woman came to rabbonim in Elad to remove a dibuk that possesses her, HaGaon Rav Shmuel Baruch Ganot, a known prominent talmid chacham in Elad, wrote a letter taking exception to the story of the dibuk.

He released a strong letter to rabbonim involved in reportedly removing the dibuk from the Holon woman. “Regarding events in Elad, it appears we are dealing with a woman with a split personality or another similar psychiatric malady that has her speaking in a male voice”.

“The woman was questioned by one of the gedolei talmidei chachamim in Elad, HaGaon Rav Yinon Malachi Shlita, basic questions; including if the harmful malachim are to her left or right side, and she responded they are to her left. The ARIZAL wrote specifically in בשער רוה”ק that the malachim stand to one’s right, not left. The woman was asked in the how many dayanim there are in the בית דין של מעלה, 14 or 18, and she responded 18 – which is just a general number that does not exist in the Heavenly Court”.

“The woman stated she is a man named Aaron Ben-Masuda, and Rav Malachi feels, rightfully so, that in all cemeteries of persons of Moroccan descent there are many persons with the name Aharon Ben-Masuda and if this is the proof we are dealing with a dibuk then the contention is ridiculous”.

“There is much to be written on this topic among the mekubalim, some being baalei teshuvah from years ago and now delving into Toras Kabala, and they do not know their left side from their right regarding Torah and Halacha….This poor woman likely needs to be hospitalized in an appropriate facility, Hashem have mercy on her…”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. “The ARIZAL wrote specifically in בשער רוה”ק”
    The ARIZAL never wrote anything. What we have comes from the notes of his talmid R’ Chaim Vital which were literally dug up from his grave. If we are judging what this person said, if it is true or not, we should try to be accurate as well.
    As far as the Dibbuk is concerned. There is no mention of such a thing anywhere in the Torah or Talmud/Medrash. Until you have learned Kol Hatorah Kulo and are able to proceed to the step of understanding Toras Hanistar please ignore stories like this.

  2. Baalei Teshuva have no business getting involved in kabbalah. We need to be learning straight Torah, halacha, hashkafa, and midos. There are specific rules that are prerequisites for learning kabbalah which NO baal teshuva can claim to have. For such people kabbalah, far from being a higher religious madrega, is actually bogus religiosity.

  3. Whilst I in know way know any details with regards to this particular event – saying bluntly that בעלי תשובה specifically should not be involved in Kabbala is disregarding Basic hilchos Rambam hilchos teshuva and believing that anyone can grow in Torah. How about ריש לקיש !!

    No one even an Ffb should be involved in Kabbala until they are proficient in shas and poskim

  4. sixty years ago there was something like this in E”Y and they went to one of the rzadikei hador to no avail.they they came to the divrei yoel and he said they should find a good doctor and have a refuah shleime.

  5. First of all – THE leading mekubal of Eretz Yisrael is HaRav HaGoan Yaakov Moshe Hillel Shlita, all the Rosh HaYeshiva’s learn Kabbalah by him, as did the mtok mdvash, and many well known mekubalim, he was close with Rav Kaduri and….. HES A BAAL TESHUVA.

    Certainly a baal teshuva has to start in shas and poskim, but he can certainly bring himself to a level of learning Kabbalah. Kabbalah is a chiuv, one just needs to bring themselves to that place.

  6. There are no specific rules that are prerequisites for studying kabbalah. There are opinions, suggestions, and warnings against this study. There are also opinions , suggestions and encouragement for this study. That said, all dybbuk stories and so-called events are nonsense.

  7. Has anyone attempted hypnosis and regression?
    Note: Rabi Akiva was a baal teshuvah (and hopefully we all are). Very hard to make generalizations, especially when someone has been learning for years. Even re: age 40, many people should not be involved even after age 40,, yet there are those who may be mesugalim for it at an earlier age.

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