Rabbi Riskin Operating his Own Beis Din for Giyur

riskinThe possible forced retirement of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel has earned a prominent slot in the media.

Supporters of the rabbi, who among other titles serves as the Chief Rabbi of Efrat, insist that the mandatory retirement age of 75 is simply being used as an excuse by the Chief Rabbinate, insisting they Chief Rabbinate Council wishes to wash its hands of Rabbi Riskin because of his liberal viewpoint on matters of religion. It is no secret that Rabbi Riskin is a leader among liberal rabbonim, one whom has certified women to rule in matters of halacha, thereby eliciting the ire of some, and has released controversial statements in the past pertaining to his viewpoint on Yeshu and Christianity. In one video Rabbi Riskin refers to “J” as a rabbi.

Despite it all, some feel what really irks the Chief Rabbinate Council are the rumors of Rabbi Riskin’s independent beis din for giyur that circumvents the state system. In fact, while Tzohar Rabbonim is under constant attack and the Chief Rabbinate’s magnifying glass, Rabbi Riskin is rumored to have already been doing what Tzohar has yet to dare to do. Rabbi Riskin often speaks out against the monopoly on giyur, which he believes should and must come to an end.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Why do these people want to make “Jews”? What’s there to being “Jewish” without religion? What does this word mean to them?
    In reality all it really means is a reason to be persecuted.

  2. Yeshiva world did it again.accurate reporting would require you to add in your story that the j video was intended for a Christian audience .thank you

    Moderators Note: What difference does it make? None whatsoever. Has Rabbi Riskin changed his mind from what he said, about how J is a model Rabbi?

  3. #2, just the utterance of such words is detestable, horrible and treif: borders, perhaps, in k’fira!!! How does one talk that way and stand as a representative of sacred Judaism.
    ישראל עם קדוש and to place their עבודה זרה on a pedestal is abhorrent to say the least!
    על זה אמר החכם מכל אדם
    “סייג לחכמה שתיקה”

  4. Don’t understand you lior and manny h come on a guy who called j rabbi no differents to who and why I think if I may only someone who doesn’t really believe in God will say so his geirim are most probably as much worse as a converter in a church

  5. Sad to say “Rabbi” Riskin has turned his back on his background as well as his “orthodoxy”. …and to think that in his days at the Lincoln Square Synagogue, many who would be considered today as “charedi”, used to admire his kiruv efforts.

    Manny H.
    The “old” Rabbi Riskin would never have said what he said on that video.

    Rabbi Riskin
    The Chief Rabbinate is pretty “meykel”. If they are finding fault with you, then it is time to bow out gracefully and retire on your own.

  6. Dear moderator the difference is the cool aid factor.when you keep reporting something at least once,report it accurately .not everybody is a golam, let people think for themselves .kol tuv

  7. Why would YWN report–or publish a report–of a rumor? Why would anyone believe a rumor? Aside from questionable journalism, is that not a possible “lashon hara” violation?

  8. #2 manny h – I must second the Moderator’s note.

    …and just to add another point, the Ramban also responded to the Christians. However, the Ramban’s response was on a very different tone.

    When I showed the “J” video to my wife her response was that he sounds like a priest speaking.

    It is clear that you are responding from a defensive position as if this is a personal attack on you and all MO/Mizrachi. It is not. There are plenty of very kosher Mizrachi Rabanim. This one, however, is not. He is of very weak spirituality. Experience has shown that wherever there is fear of someone leaving the fold due to a spiritual challenge he buckles under and gives in. (Ex. Agunot, Shabbos, marrying goyim, women’s role in Yiddishkeit, etc.) It is clear to me that he fears people’s questioning Hashem, so he takes the easy road instead of holding to a higher standard.

    I’m assuming the possibility that you may know him personally and can’t come to terms on this issue in order not to have to sever ties. You may see him as a very loving kind person and that may be, but “love” can be a fault if not kept in check. This is his weakness and is causing a lot of damage.

    Creating “geirim” that are not serious about Yiddishkeit is extremely damaging. Allowing Agunot to marry when there is not enough proof of death makes mamzerim. Allowing for Chillul Shabbos undermines the Kedusha of Shabbos. Teaching Gemorah to girls causes immodesty in Klal Ysrael. Viewing and teaching others to view Yeshu as a role model is contradictory to Torah (especially when one considers that Chazal called him Yeshu for a reason).

    I am not saying that Riskin is guilty of all stated above, but it is clear that his hashkafot are in line with them, unfortunately.

    I suggest that you strengthen yourself and distance yourself from this man. This is a case of “oih l’rasha, oih l’shecheina”. Hopefully, he’ll one day do Teshuva.

  9. I don’t understand why YWN is getting all busted up about Riskin’s comments on JC. Anyone can read his weekly articles in JPost. There is so much worse Kefira that he writes in those articles.
    The things that he accuses the Avos of doing, and how he talks about Moshe Rabeinu. I can’t even want to repeat what he says.
    Believing in some sort of revisionist history for the life on JC doesn’t make you an apikores. Writing some of the other things that he writes does.

  10. Lior, it’s great to know that we have a professional posek on yeshivaworld who can ascertain as to the religious status of the RUMORED geirim that RAV Riskin has converted. Maybe you should actually read into what he does before you make ignorant remarks. Thanks.

  11. Lior: I feel it is completely improper to circumvent the chief rabbinate system,which has helped ensure true geirus and i also disagree with many viewpoints espoused by Rabbi Riskin.
    However if someone sincerely accepts ol malchus shamayim and operates in the manner of a Loyal Torah minded Jew, (assuming other technical aspects were in place for actual conversion process,a beis din, mikva,learning about mitzvos properly etc…it is not Halachichally Pashut to say that the Geirus is just as bad as reform.If everything would check out then the person would probably be Jewish maybe be requested to do a Geirus lichumra afterwards in case of doubt.To say that its like a reform Geirus just is not true,as a reform conversion is a conversion only on paper.

  12. #11 please save your soul and start following the word of Hahem through those who cherish and uphold the Torah , instead of refering to this bonafide apikores, kofer, and avaryan as RAV!!!!!!

  13. Why get all bent out of shape? The Rabbanut makes a strong argument for centralizing giyur. So Rabbi Riskind’s giurim are not recognized, it says nothing about him. Take Rav Nissin Karelitz. His giurim are not recognized either. But guess what. Make no mistake in the long run Rav karelitz giurim will be recognized by all in Fifty years from now but the children of rabbi riskind’s giurim will require hatafas dam bris.

  14. #14,
    Please save your soul and think about people before you judge them and excommunicate them because then YOU’RE the avaryan.

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