HIkind Outraged By Bichotte’s Insensitive Remarks

hikAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) expressed his shock over remarks made by Brooklyn Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte who made divisive, inciting remarks about the Jewish community last night. Appearing on Leon Goldenberg’s “Community Matters” radio program, Bichotte spent several minutes in a combative rant about Jewish pressure being placed on her following her vocal opposition to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Parental Choice in Education Act, which includes Education Tax Credits.

Bichotte told Goldenberg she won’t support the current proposal that Jewish organizations are currently pushing for because it would only benefit philanthropists and institutions and not poor families. She argued that her predecessor Rhoda Jacobs “who was supported by you guys” did not support Education Tax Credits; that neither did former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. “I didn’t want to commit to something that I know my Jewish predecessor and my former Jewish Speaker did not support.” She said she is being targeted by the bill’s supporters because she’s a black woman. “No one pushed them the way you guys are pushing me… And it’s not like the majority of Jews in the district have voted for me or supported me. Okay? Why should I listen to people who are not even going to support me? Why should I listen to people who didn’t put the same standard on a Jewish woman and a Jewish man, and are putting a different standard on a black woman?”

Hikind called Bichotte’s tirade shocking, insensitive, inappropriate and ignorant of the facts. “I was stunned by what my colleague said to Leon Goldenberg,” said Hikind. “The Jewish community, like the Catholic community, like many other segments of the community who support the Governor’s Parental Choice in Education Act, have all been working hard to explain the facts and dispel the misinformation about Education Tax Credits, which benefit families below a certain income threshold. These tax credits do not put one dime in the pockets of the so-called rich. But most importantly, these tax credits have never been a racial issue. The quest for support has never been gender-based. For Bichotte to state that she is being targeted because she is a black woman is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. To refer to the Jewish community as ‘you guys’ and Assemblywoman Jacobs as her ‘Jewish predecessor’ and Speaker Silver as the ‘Jewish Speaker’ displays an insensitivity that’s hard to imagine and is thoroughly inappropriate. What a terrible shame it would be if the vital issue of Education Tax Credits—and equality of education opportunities for all New York State children—were to be cast unfairly and shamefully as a racial issue.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. I have come to see Hikind as a spoiled brat politician. If something does not go his way, he starts acting hysterically. Why does he not sit down like a mentch with that politician and work things out. Grow up Hikind!

  2. In this case, he is 100% right. Where was Simcha Felder & other “Jewish guys” in politics? At least he spoke up. Did anyone else?

  3. I totally agree with Talmidchochom. Hikind comes off as a self-centered, always angry and attacking representative. His time to leave has come — as if he ever belonged in politics.

  4. You are not a Talmidchochom atall if you can talk like that publicly! If you don’t agree with someone, you can discuss the issue and his statement without attacking him personally. This is not the Torah way.
    When a black woman in politics attacks her opponent by their Jewishness, it must be addressed. Otherwise, you can have the USA turn just like France against the Jews.
    You seem to be ranting against Hikind on a personal level. Obviously you dislike him personally and you are looking for something to say against him. NOT RIGHT!

  5. Computerbubby<

    You want to talk about the other Jewish guys up in ALbany? Let us talk about them and how ineffective and artificial they are. We are talking about elected officials sitting on the Legislature for the State with the highest number of Jews attending private school and what have these Felders, Hikinds, etc. done for the past 20 years? NOTHING. I will not vote for another frum politician if they fail again. If they fail again, they are failures and not deserving of anyone's vote. Surely, not mine. I am sick and tired of being deceived by these opportunists.

  6. TalmidChochom,

    Usually Talmidchochomim know about checking a whole story prior to attacking (especially in regards to branding someone in public).

    I have been following this saga and my opinion is that this is totally called for. Knowing how Bichotte attempted to twist the story to be able to slander and gain some points is one thing. To base hikinds response on her claim is totally…. I’m stumped.

    Except if this is not really the reason for attacking Hikind.

  7. I do not know enough about the tax credit proposal to have an informed opinion about it, land I try to avoid having uninformed opinions. Clearly, Assemblyperson Bichotte does not practice political correctness regarding us Jews, and it is appropriate to object to her remarks as they constitute an insult to us guys.

    It is important to have an informed debate about this issue, and to recognize who benefits and who pays for the benefit. Perhaps Mr. Hikind is working on that now, or, alternatively, perhaps he would rather have an issue of anti-Semitism diverting attention from a difficult political issue.

  8. Bubby-She’s 100 percent right!!!! she’s owes her supporters-not detractors ! to answer your question: Who do you think is in Goldenbergs pockets????? (not felder, or the “other guys) wake up ad smell the coffee Bubs

  9. Dov Hikind’s bluster and cocky approach to issues, apparently have not won him many friends in the legislature and have limited his ability to accomplish for our community. A smart politician does NOT issue press releases or conduct photo ops for issues that need a tactical, behind the scenes, approach. He should the learn the art of negotiating, not demanding. This is the NY Legislature not the Jewish Defense League.

  10. Cmon people hes trying to accomplish something here, all you guys are just saying is “hes not a talmidchacham or frum ” now is that what we should be saying to a man that is trying to pass for us a tax credit that gives 500 $ off tuition .This assemblywoman bichotte who promised us in her campagian for assemblywoman that she supports the bill.Now shes backstabbing us this is ludicrous

  11. Even the Potus has to work for all of the USA, even the people who didn’t vote for him. (sometimes they even don’t work for the ones that did)

  12. Hikind has done nothing for Orthodox jews as a legislator in ALbany. Because he runs to Israel every other week is not the reason he was voted into office. Show me the man’s record on Jewish issues, in particular, Orthodox Jews. I challenge you.

  13. And removing traffic barriers from Ft. Hamilton Parkway is so minor and trivial that it is shameful if that is all he can show after being in Albany for how many years??

  14. And, the sanitation trucks are still clogging the streets of Boro Park at the same time as the school buses are trying to take our children to school. This is despite years of press releases and pictures with officials.

    Dov: They’re not listening to you because you come across as a “bull in a china shop”. Sit down quietly and negotiate. Don’t try to make headlines. It is counterproductive.

  15. “Why should I listen to people who are not even going to support me? Why should I listen to people who didn’t put the same standard on a Jewish woman and a Jewish man, and are putting a different standard on a black woman?”

    Wow. I see Rodneyse got her talking points from the Race hustler in Chief, Obama, and his sidekick Eric Witholder! What the heck does “race” have anything to do with ETC’s?! If anything, her “own kind” will greatly benefit from this as well. What an ingrate!

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