Large Lakewood Family Needs Your Help

There is an upstanding large family in Lakewood who have been evicted from their home!
If the bank is not paid off soon, the family will be homeless and children dispersed. More then half the funds have been collected but $200 thousand dollars is still needed.
Rav Dovid Schustal, in conjunction with local askonim, is spearheading the campaign. Please donate generously to save these 12 neshamos here–70
The following is from the Indiegogo page setup for the family.

The Story–70

Update5/28 3:00pm

There is an upstanding ehrliche family of 12 who have been evicted form their homes!

The father, a reputable mechaber seforim, is trying valiantly to keep the finances together, but due to health issues he is unable to hold down a job.

If the bank is not paid off soon, the family will be continue to be homeless. As of May 27th the family has been out of the house!!!

And it’s not just housing expenses that worries this family!

Besides for all the other expenses draining this family, a sum of $200k is needed just to keep their home! This money will not even make its way into their hands; it will be forwarded straight to the bank so the family can return to their home and to some semblance of normalcy.


Rav Dovid Schustal, in conjunction with local askonim, is spearheading the campaign. Please donate generously to save these 12 neshamos

Dear Readers:


I am writing this letter as a long-time resident of our wonderful Ihr Hatorah V’Chesed (community) of Lakewood NJ.


Everyone knows of the tough financial situation the community has been facing the last few years.

I used to be the proud manager of a sizeable electronics company. I worked long hours finding myself away from home approximately 12-13 hours a day. We didn’t get paid a salary large enough to correctly support our family, but I worked as hard as I could anyway. Then, two years ago, I became Ill, lost my job, and had to have heart surgery to save my life. I amThank G-D healthy now and am seeking work.




We are a family of 12 people, and, being way past the foreclosure stage, we are now facing the terrible prospect of being evicted from our home.


We have attempted to find rental housing but have not found any rental unit that would be open to (and fit) a family with ten children. While many people have floated different ideas (none of which have born fruit) the one solution that could work is to buy the house back from the bank.


The sum of approximately $300,000 must be raised before Shavuos so the house can be purchased back from them. This would keep our family in our home.


For those who may say impossible, This is Lakewood Ihr Hatorah and Ihr Hachesed. Nothing is impossible for Klal Yisroel and Lakewood has proved that time and again.


It is with a heavy heart that I turn to the Global community and ask for help. We have nowhere to go and no way to get there.


I can’t thank You enough!!


To offer help, please email [email protected].


To Donate:–70


Tizku Lmitzvos.

2 Responses

  1. I have been trying to help with monies over the course of several years a frum family of 11 children and parents. I do not know their names or address in Lakewood nor do I care. I use an intermediary a local rabbi from Lakewood who deliveries the money anonymously to them. I am a GOY and if I can help a frum family in need SO CAN MOST OF THE frum families in Lakewood, NYC, Israel, etc. I also call upon u to do more Talmud Torah, more davvening and more Chesed—and be very, very, careful of all goy !!! Gerry Mullen

  2. Thank you Yeshiva World News (YWN) for printing my comments. I do hope this prods the frum community into helping this frum family so desperately in need. If so, then my comments were not in vain. To all JEWS, b’vah’chah’shah, suggest you all do more Talmud Torah, more davvening and more Chesed. Also,be very, very careful of all goy, including ME !!! A goy, Gerry Mullen

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