Photo Essay: Thousands Daven Shacharis At The Kosel On Yom Yerushalayim 5775

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7 Responses

  1. This is a beautiful celebration. It just bothers me that it is basically “limited” to the Mizrachi sect. Unlike Yom Ha’atzmaut, it is not a “Zionist” celebration, it is a day of commemorating and thanking Hashem for the nissim geluyim that happened in the process of the six day war and especially in the liberation of the Jerusalem. Why should that be limited to “Mizrachi” or “Tzionim”?
    May we continue to experience and witness miracles and siyata dish maya against our enemies that wish to destroy us, as we did in the 6 day war and throughout our history and may we merit the complete Geulah speedily in our days, Amen.

  2. What bothers me are all of the anti-Zionist that daven at the Kosel every day and don’t think for a minute just how is it that they are able to be standing there. They should also think about it when they are throwing rocks or spitting on a soldier. If I’m not mistaken, it wasn’t these so called frum Jews that liberated the Kosel. It was the courageous
    Soldier. So especially on this special day, don’t throw rocks. Offer
    Your thanks and admiration.

  3. chicago maven: The only reason we didn’t have access to the Kosel between 48 and 67 is because the zionists declared a State starting a war which caused us to lose access to the Kosel after having been able to daven there for hundreds of years.

  4. #1,#3

    Moshe Dayan admitted candidly that they could have recaptured the Old City in ’48 ,but Ben Gurion and Shaltiel were uninterested.

    It was only afterwards Ben Gurion grasped what the loss meant to the larger world .

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