Tikvah Summer Program Announces More Speakers

PhotoGrid_1430858930145The Tikvah Fund Institute for Yeshiva Men has announced that Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz of Ohr Somayach in Yerushalayim and Dr. Daniel Mark of Villanova University have joined the program faculty this summer.

The week-long program will feature seminars on economics, politics, and social policy from sophisticated Torah and general perspectives. The goal is to share ideas of how a Torah Jew should properly relate to the society in which he lives.

The institute is open to men between the ages of 20 and 30 who have considerable yeshiva background, and will take place at the Glen Cove Mansion in Long Island from August 9 thru August 16 (24 Av-1 Elul). Tikvah fully subsidizes participation, including tuition, travel, hotel room, books, and a modest stipend.

Those interested in attending are encouraged to apply by May 31 viawww.tikvahyeshiva.org.

Rav Breitowitz is the rabbi emeritus of the Woodside Synagogue in Silver Spring, Maryland, and was a professor at the University of Maryland Law School, specializing in contracts, bankruptcy commercial law, and bioethics. He received semicha from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel College and a JD from Harvard Law School, magna cum laude. He has written and lectured extensively both in the United States and Israel on the interface of halacha and contemporary society with a special interest and expertise in medical, family, business, and legal ethics.


Professor Mark is an assistant professor of political science at Villanova University, where he teaches political theory, philosophy of law, American government, and politics and religion. He also serves on the nine-member, bipartisan United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, to which he was appointed by House Speaker John Boehner. Dr. Mark earned a BA, MA, and PhD from the Department of Politics at Princeton University. He learned at Yeshivat Har Etzion.


Among the other speakers this year are the columnist Jonathan Rosenblum, and William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine.


The Tikvah Fund is a philanthropic foundation and think tank which supports Jewish intellectual, religious, and political leaders. The organization runs educational programs in Eretz Yisroel and the United States for Jews of all backgrounds. It was founded by the late financier Zalman Bernstein z”l, who also began the Avi Chai Foundation and the Association for Jewish Outreach Programs (AJOP).

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