MK Kara: Labor is Interested in Talking with Likud

bibVeteran Likud MK Ayoub Kara announced on Wednesday that the Labor party is interested in discussing the possibility of entering into a national unity coalition government. The announcement comes as the Shas and Bayit Yehudi parties appear locked in coalition talks with Likud. The Yahadut Hatorah and Kulanu parties appear on track, which the future of the Yisrael Beitenu party vis-à-vis entering the coalition remains to be seen.

Speaking to Galei Yisrael Radio, Kara stated that he personally has spoken with Labor party leader Yitzchak Herzog, who stated he does not disqualify the possibility of entering into a Likud-led national unity coalition government.

“I has a long discussion with Herzog and he is not ruling out going with Likud” he stated. The veteran Likud MK is calling on party leader Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to act in this direction for he feels national unity is what is required at present.

“Herzog is like many in the nation, aware of the challenges that face us, the challenges Israel must address, and on this we see eye-to-eye” he added.

Some askanim in the chareidi community feel if nothing else, Kara’s message is directed at the chareidi parties to sign an agreement and not push coalition demands too far for at the end, the chareidim may once again be in the opposition instead of the coalition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Shas, Bayit Yehudi, and Yisrael Beiteinu have roughly the same number of seats as Labor, and are making fewer demands in terms of patronage or programs. Also remember that in terms of social background and lifestyle, Netanyahu has a lot more in common with Herzog and Livni than he does with Deri, Bennett or Lieberman.

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