KIDDUSH HASHEM: Members Of Baltimore Jewish Community Feed Hundreds Of Law Enforcement Personnel Hot Meals At Scene Of Unrest

01The following was submitted to YWN:

With all the bad press out there about Baltimore, here’s another good thing the Jewish community did…

After the schools closed early afternoon on Tuesday, I met up with two former Baltimore County SWAT members, and decided to go to the Mondawmin Mall to the staging area where the various police departments and National Guard were set up.

I spoke to Ronnie Rosenbluth from Tov Pizza and David Cohen of Kosher Bite, and we coordinated fresh hot food for the hungry officers. They even had a choice of hotdogs, hamburgers, or pizza, with of course, lots of bottled water to go around. We fed hundreds of officers.

They were so appreciative that the Jewish community went out of its way during these trying times to give back for their incredible service to all of Baltimore. And of course, that we were willing to go to an area that had been so volatile on Monday, to show our support.

02 03

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Note that Mondawin Mall is near what was once the center of Jewish community about two generations ago – not close to Tov Pizza or Kosher Bite.

  2. Thanks for printing! As a past Baltimorean i know that this type of gesture is “standard” always, but it’s nice to see it publicized!
    Mi K’amcha Yisrael!

  3. What a great kiddush Hashem

    That’s correct what can YOU do to show your support for Hashem that protects everyone of us?

    Can you put away your cell phone while talking to Hashem?

    Can you be More honest in your business dealings and remove yourself from corruption or any type of dishonesty?

    Can you remove yourself from the world of technology for one hour and spend some special family time with your own children that dearly love you and need your help?

    Lets show Hashem what we can do for the king of kings

  4. someone who does such a thing L’shem Shamayim doesn’t have to make such a big advertisement! Besides Wholefoods also provided meals, which makes this look like chanufa.

  5. It is a kidush Hashem. But as far mikeamacha… Plenty of non Jewish stores were offering free coffee etc , I don’t like the assumptions that our inner circles have that we are that great. We should be and many times we are but many times others out there are also amazing in was we don’t even get close to. Here I see more mike the owners of tov … Is this public relations or is this a true feeling of doing what’s right , just wondering.

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