Chareidi Officials Decry Assault Against a Givati Brigade Officer In Meah Shearim

idffShas party leader MK Aryeh Deri released a statement condemning the attack against an IDF officer in Meah Shearim on erev Shabbos 5 Iyar.

Deri told the press “there is a limit. Attacking an IDF officer by Jewish extremists is terror! A heinous act was committed today and I will speak with police officials to do their utmost to bring the responsible parties to justice”.

Deri’s words were echoed by Yahadut Hatorah faction leader MK Yaakov Litzman, who stated “The attack against a soldier represents crossing a red line that must be condemned. The use of force is unacceptable as well as a Chilul Hashem. The police must find a way to apprehend those responsible”.

MK Uri Maklev added there is a small faction of zealots who view violence as an acceptable means to an end. He added these are the same thugs that attacked Moshe Gafne and Rav Elyashiv when they came to daven and police treated the attackers too kindly and police even remain in contact with the leader of these extremists. “The incident today once again is a result of the light hand exhibited by police against this group, with its capital in Beit Shemesh and Meah Shearim”.

In his response to the attack, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated “This is outrageous. The offenders who raised their hands against an IDF officer must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. IDF service is a source of pride. The IDF is the people’s army and protects everyone. All population groups in Israeli society serve in its ranks; this is how it has been and how it will continue.”

Other condemnatory statements were heard from officials including Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein.

A 24-year-old Givati Brigade officer serving in Nachal Chareidi arrived in Meah Shearim to visit with two of his chareidi soldiers. After leaving the home children began to taunt him and then it escalated to throwing eggs and stones. The officer tried taking cover in his vehicle and to drive out of the area but the attackers blocked the road while continuing to pelt the vehicle with stones.

The front and side windows, which are fortified against rock attacks, did not break but the rear window was smashed. It took a few minutes for the soldier to extricate himself from the mob and flee the area. The officer’s mother told Ynet “He traveled in his own vehicle that has protective glass because we live in Kiryat Arba. He tried running from the area but the children prevented him from doing so and a window on the car was mashed. They had to extricate him from their by the skin of this teeth. You could see the murder in their eyes like terrorists from Khan Yunis in the last war. No one from that entire mob made an effort to assist him. There was not a single tzaddik in Sodom”.

She added “My vehicle is a mess and while the parents of the children who attacked it slept during the war, I did not dare to shut my eyes while my son was in Shajaia. I am unwilling to remain silent”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. “He added these are the same thugs that attacked Moshe Gafne and Rav Elyashiv when they came to daven. . .”

    And the same (ilk) that attacked Rav Moshe Sternbach, etc. It is important to add his name so as not to entertain for a moment that the perpetrators belong to the greater Meah She’arim / Aidah HaChareidis community. The Aidah, indeed, more than 40 years ago, disavowed themselves from these people who refuse to follow the dictates of a Rebbe, Rav, Beis Din, Rosh Yeshiva, etc.

    This should be a great lesson for all, for whatever reason, follow their feelings, sense, emotions, rather than follow our Rabbonim.

  2. Deri is responsible for supporting Oslo which caused a thousand dead Jews. What yidden in meah shearim did is in protest of shmad. A frum young yeshiva boy in an army that supports immorality is spiritual death. I understand why chareidim attack the IDF bums.

  3. chen chen #2. Fully agree with you.
    This soldier is not a fanatic that doesn’t hear radio, nor read papers, and probably has a TV, so why on earth did he come to Meah Shearim to visit his friends in his IDF garb??? He was asking for this!!!

  4. What a disgrace, these people should be arrested and made an example of. I am not saying that they should be going to the army by to attack a soldier puts them on the level of the chayas from shechem and chevron. The police should also be ashamed and be taken out and punished.
    No mercy for these people.and what makes it worse is that if the officer would have defended himself he would have gotten into trouble. My son has a friend from Ramat Beit Shemesh who went to daven mincha in his uniform and was almost lynched and had to call for help from the army., nohal 9 for anyone that knows what that is. Maybe these people should move to the Arab towns and see how long they last.

  5. Question to 2 and 3. Why weren’t these righteous boys in the Beis Medrash learning instead of hanging around in the streets looking for trouble? Their parents are responsible for raising such Chayos. If only their parents would send them to the army they might have a chance at becoming mentchen.

  6. to # 3 you are a sick person
    nobody deserves this treatment and nobody asks for it from ULTRA ORTHODOX

    hitting someone is a lav in the yorah
    dressing in clothing from the 18th century is at best a minhag

    the eidah has to put out signs all over the place that they asser this type of behavior

    they have no issue on constantly putting up signs when it hurts their deep pockets

    its time for these great rabbis to speak out

  7. #2 and #3….yuk!, yuk!

    So why didn’t these yidden go out and protest when the Oslo Accords were on the table…you want to claim moral righteousness by standing by.
    I really like how you give the soldier the benefit of the doubt…perhaps, unlike his attackers, his time is more precious than to waste it by changing his clothes for every occasion.
    It is impossible to understand those who support violent actions.
    People have a right to differing opinions but no right to express it is such a manner.

  8. Has anyone else noticed a sharp parallel between these charedim and the riots in Baltimore? A bunch of uneducated, unmotivated, poor, and bored people inciting violence and rioting in the street…I can’t seem to see much of a difference. The tactics they both use and the imagery of being victims to the evil army/police are almost identical.

  9. It was a chillul Hashem, pure and simple! The attackers should be punished severely, not only in the state courts, but by responsible Torah-based Batei Dinim!

  10. The fact that we have people who are “with it” enough to use the internet commenting on this site in agreement with these sick fanatic attackers (2,3)is alarming! It shows how far the indoctrination goes. If our moderates think like this, imagine our extremists??!! They are chashud on retzicha peshuto kemashma’o! And these blessed chayalim would probably risk their lives to rescue any citizen including these sick “Isis”(too harsh, maybe Taliban) Jewish extremists!

  11. it is unfortunate that the loonies of meah Sharim get all of the headlines. They think because they are soooooo frum they can do what they want and attack Jews in uniforms.

    There is no halachic precedence for such an attack and those who perpetrate and those who support such actions are sinners, simple sinners dress as frum-machers.

  12. How many of you realize that the israeli army has one goal in mind when drafting yeshiva boys and girls. Their goal is to make the otd. Off the derech. The israeli army is infested with miskav zachor. Out of 103 world army’s they are number nine. And you want yeshiva boys to be under their command. Better to commit suicide in mass. Better to join the army of Isis. At least they are far frummer than the israeli army. Everyone knows that. Wake up modern orthodox crowd. Stop living in a dilution.

  13. #2 “IDF BUMS”. ??? No other civilized country would stand for this kind of behavior. If it was not for the IDF you’d be a Pizza by now.

  14. #3- So every charedi who steps out of the charedi enclaves is fair game and may be beaten up?

    #12- ” The israeli army is infested with miskav zachor. Out of 103 world army’s they are number nine.” – ROFLOL. I’d love to see the full ranking. Who published it? Got a link?

  15. What I find funny is that #2 calls himself “real yid”. You are nothing close to that. The fact is that you and your buddy #3 show what despicable human flotsam you both are. How dare you justify a jew raising a hand against another jew? It is people like you that drive young people off the derech. Any one that attacks a chayal should be forced to wear nothing but an army uniform for a year. Lets see how he feels when his own attack him.

  16. I see #2 is back as #12 (but always a big piece of #2). Now that you mention suicide, perhaps you can lead by example? Nobody would miss a useless gurnisht like you.

  17. To libii
    You can google the list of world army’s that are miskav zachor. France is number ten. Israel number nine. America number forty one.

  18. #12 1. Your spelling is atrocious
    2. You have no way of knowing who is Modern Orthodox or anything else. I, personally, typically identify with the Charedim in my personal observance.
    3. The Mea Shearim thugs are the best propaganda the anti-religious in Israel could possibly have. There is not a single precedent in the Prophets, the Tannaim, the Amoraim, etc., of the religious “elite” physically attacking those whose job it is to defend the lives and safety of other Jews. To get Jews to do introspection as to our shortcomings has always been legitimate. What the Mea Shearim thugs are doing doesn’t represent any responsible Torah leadership in any age, including our own.

  19. As long as the army routinely arrests hareidim for opposing the medinah, what do they expect? While the laws may change, at present the army is planning to round up massive numbers of hareidim, and any military personnel in hareidi neighborhoods have to be seen in that light.

    The real threat is once serious violence starts resulting, noting that one side routinely carries automatic weapons.

  20. @real yid…are you kidding are you defending your sick opinions by claiming they are for yidishkeit?!? Bring me one rav who agrees with what you just said or agrees with these actions and then maybe you can talk…nobody frum would ever sanction such actions no real rav no real rebbe nobody… its sickening to think how disalusioned you are. I really hope that you don’t pass these thoughts on to your kids…if you have any…

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