Official Knesset Delegation to Represent Israel at Ceremonies Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Tragedy

aKnesset Members Dr. Nachman Shai (LAbor) and Anat Berko (Likud) will represent the State of Israel in a series of ceremonies and events to be held towards the end of the week (Thursday through Saturday) in Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian tragedy.

MK Shai, head of the delegation, said “Israel must reconsider its position on whether the time has come to recognize the fact that an Armenian genocide occurred. As Jews, we must recognize it. This is especially true during these days, when we mark Holocaust Remembrance Day. Participation in the events in Armenia is a clear and strong statement by the Israeli Knesset, which has repeatedly remembered the Armenian victims, that it is obligated to reopen the matter”.

MK Berko added “The ancient Armenian people suffered a terrible disaster and many of its sons and daughters perished in a horrible tragedy. We, members of the Jewish nation, who have also suffered, recognize and sympathize with the pain and the loss of the Armenian people. It is our great honor and moral duty to take part in such a significant event, along representatives of other countries”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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