Smotrich: Bayit Yehudi Wants the Foreign & Education Ministries

bennMK Betzalel Smotrich on Tuesday 25 Nissan was interviewed by the Knesset Channel to discuss the ongoing coalition negotiations. Smotrich stated once again that his party will not be a part of a left-wing coalition government, making it clear if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu opts to align with the Labor party, the dati leumi party will be heading to the opposition. He added “we will not sit in a government that freezes construction in Yehuda and Shomron; that continues to discriminate against residents of Yehuda and Shomron; or that continues moving forwards towards the creation of a Palestinian state”.

When asked about cabinet appointments and which portfolios are being sought by his party, Smotrich stated “We insist that Bennett becomes the foreign minister. We want to change the message that the State of Israel broadcasts to the world. Our ambassadors and Foreign Ministry personnel must tell the world there is no State of Palestine and there is no occupation or our own land”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The idea behind Likud allying with Labor is so they can dump the greedy LITTLE religious and nationalists parties, who aspire to be the tail that wags the dog.

  2. akuperma: Except that if Bibi were to form a government with Labor, which wouldn’t last long anyway, Likud loses its case to be the ruling party in the future and signals its supporters that they can’t be trusted.

    It also shows all those Bayit Yehudi voters, who supported Likud for fear of a Labor government, that they were duped, which they were in any case. This in itself wouldn’t be a bad thing.

    There is far more in common between Bayit Yehudi and the Chareidi parties than divide it. We would all be better off if they would all get together and really move Israel in a better direction.

  3. To akuperma:

    Have you ever been willing to die for the land of Israel or for your fellow Jews in Israel?
    Most of the Bayit yehudi and yachad party members have done just that as well as learning Torah. So these people are quitre simply the highest quality of person that our nation has. So please dont criticise unnecessarily.
    In addition even the Likud in the face of immense world pressure has given in on a palestinian state. G-d Forbid
    So We now need the narrative to completely change. Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael are NOT DIVISIBLE. This message has to be disseminated and its only the chardalnikim (yachad and bayit yehudi) taht are doing this. I promise you that in Olam Haba these peolpe are going to be way up there and we should strive to love the land and the nation as much as we love the Torah.

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