Petach Tikvah: A Battle Underway to Prevent the Opening of a Pork Store

pigChareidi parties are leading the battle to prevent the opening of a store selling pork products in Petach Tikvah. The new store is set to open in the coming weeks in proximity to the Segulah Cemetery.

The chareidi parties and askanim are battling the opening of the store in the courts as well as via public opinion including protests. Shas leader in the city Oriel Bosso told Kikar Shabbos News “We are talking about a store that will open near the Segulah Cemetery in Petach Tikvah. The store present is failing and they are planning to sublet to a store that will sell pork. We are using all means at our disposal to prevent the opening of the store.”

Bosso explains the chain that owns the new store is 50% owner in another store so if the judicial efforts do not pan out, they will launch a consumer boycott.

Bosso added while there are stores in the city that unfortunately sell chametz on Pesach, this is far worse, citing only the store’s outer wall would separate between it and the cemetery and this is an unacceptable reality. “We are working with gedolei yisrael to prevent this from occurring” he added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. What is unstated but understood in this, is that there is significant demand for pork among the Israeli population (and don’t blame this on the Palestinians, this is a zionist problem). If there was no demand, no one would be opening a store.

  2. So let’s see. A city with a population of nearly 250,000 may get one store, situated near a cemetery, which intends to sell pork, amongst other items. If this proves anything it is how very little demand there is for pork in E”Y even with a million Russian immigrants. And, certainly, the consumption of pork in all its forms is far and away and without compare higher amongst American Jews than amongst Israeli Jews. So let’s all say booooo to the Zionists and yaaaay to the holy galut.

  3. @2 Yagel Libi:

    How dare you! Do you hate the religious Jews of America so much that you speak Loshon Hora, and claim that we consume pork? Your attempt to bring down the religious Jews of America (included in your blanket term of American Jews) in defense of the obviously secular demand for Israeli pork is disgusting.

    You are that chutzpadik type of person who will admit to nothing and just blame others when your agenda is hurt. There is so much blatant Shabbos desecration in Israeli cities, will you defend that by complaining about America, ignoring the problem, and refusing to put any blame on your sacred Medinat Israel? Does living in Israel nullify all other Melachos? If anything there are more Halachos to make yourself holier, and you should act on that higher level, which you are evidently incapable of doing as evident by your Loshon Hara!

    You should be ashamed of yourself!

  4. “Bosso added while there are stores in the city that unfortunately sell chametz on Pesach, this is far worse”

    Actually, that’s not correct. Eating Chametz on Pesach is an Issur Kares, while eating a Behema Teme’a is an Issur Malkos only. Not saying this is a good thing – but the Halacha is the Halacha.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. akuperma – yeshivaworld won’t allow identifying information but I’ve seen you post with your full name and location on Ynet and let’s just say it isn’t within 5,000 miles of Petach Tikva. This has nothing to do with “zionists” … this is a Russian thing ok? And I’d venture to guess the majority of them aren’t even Jewish anyway

  6. Though it was revolting, I’ve only seen one pork store in Israel. I’m sure there are a few others.

    Keep in mind, besides Leftist Jews (most non-religious Jews wouldn’t eat it either), there are non-Jews living here too.

    #2 is absolutely right.

  7. @akupurma
    There isn’t necessarily a demand. There is an interest and there is no reason to nourish that interest.
    Should we open the gates to drugs in a democracy? There is a huge interest.
    Should we allow pr*st*t*sion? There is definitely an interest.
    Naturally human beings have interests but an interest doesn’t equal a right.

  8. It’s truly sad that there is a demand for this in Eretz Yisroel but there is so much Chillul Shabbos there as well as homosexuality – which are Aveiros Chamuros; Chiyuv Misas Bes Din and Kares, much worse than Chazer. It’s a difficult Matzav there – we need Moshiach.

  9. #4- Where do you see anything at all in my comment about the religious Jews of America consuming pork? I would suggest that you re-read my comment (#2) and then man up and apologize.

  10. The vast majority of Chilonim in Eretz Yisroel should be considered tinok shenishba. Therefore, forcing them to not eat pork by protesting the store and making such a big deal about it is not the answer. It will only lead them to see Judaism as shoved down there throat. Treat them with respect and help them see the beauty of torah judaism and they will eventually drop the pork on their own and nobody will sell it because there will be no demand. Same with Shabbos observance, tznius, etc.

  11. @10 Yagel Libi:

    Come, we can read your comment together.

    “So let’s see. A city with a population of nearly 250,000 may get one store, situated near a cemetery, which intends to sell pork, amongst other items. If this proves anything it is how very little demand there is for pork in E”Y even with a million Russian immigrants. And, certainly, the consumption of pork in all its forms is far and away and without compare higher amongst American Jews than amongst Israeli Jews. So let’s all say booooo to the Zionists and yaaaay to the holy galut.”

    American Jews is a term which includes the Religious Jews of America whom, if you read your comment, you would realize you have implied to have a demand for pig. Your intention in dissing America is to defend Israel, the latter of which is very admirable, but you did it wrong in the former. Your comment is an attempt to put Israel higher on the court of public opinion’s kedusha-ladder by pulling America down. Effective, but in the process you lower any esteem of American Jews.

    You should apologize for your baseless Loshon Hora about American Jews, before thinking you are owed any apologies.

    I don’t feel any need to apologize for my existence as a Religious Jew in America, which has aroused what appears to be your anti-America hate. But if I have upset you with my comment, and it will make you feel better, I shall utter the phrase “I am sorry for my comment which has upset you so,” just to cheer you up. I sincerely do hope that you feel better.

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