Bayit Yehudi MK Muallem Blames Yachad for Wasting Votes

yishMK Shuli Muallem blames the Yachad party for the results in the elections for 20th elections, which leave her outside the next Knesset. Her Bayit Yehudi party only earned eight seats and she was number nine on the list. On the day before Election Day, she had no concerns as party leader Naftali Bennett was expecting results in the double digits.

Muallem spoke to Kikar Shabbos, telling the news agency that she feels Yachad caused significant damage to the right-wing camp. She feels tens of thousands of votes were trashed and the nationalist camp will suffer.

She also feels that party leader Naftali Bennett should resign as a MK immediately after becoming a minister, which would clear the path for her to enter Knesset since a cabinet minister does not have to be Member of Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Garbage. What caused Bayit Yehudi to lose so many votes was that they decided to become the “new Likud”; a traditional, instead of religious, moderate right-wing party. Problem was, when push came to shove most people looking for a traditional, moderate party simply voted for Likud, as they always have. They should have stayed “the Dati-Leumi party”; they did much better that way last cycle.

    But Bennet out of the Knesset still has a nice ring to it…

  2. MK Shuli Muallem blames the Yachad but it is not Yachad but Deri who drove Yishi out of Shas and forced him to open his own party.

    Deri was able to convince the S’phardi rabbis that what Maran said about him was not true, that he is no ‘rasha’ and ‘does what he wants’ etc. So for good money the S’phardi rabbis backed Deri against Maran.

    So blame Deri, or even better, the Sphardi rabbis who supported Deri and should have either made peace between Deri and Yishi or not fallen in with Shas.

    They are the guilty party. Not Yishi and Yachad.

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