Ann Arbor Community Rejoices with New Mikvah

m[By: Shimmy Blum]

The Jewish community of Ann Arbor, Michigan, celebrated a historic milestone on Sunday, March 8th, with the chanukas habayis of a beautiful newly renovated Mikvah, sponsored by Mikvah USA.

The Mikvah was built in 1975 and was in need of an upgrade to make it appealing once again to the community and its surroundings cities. Thanks to Mikvah USA this was all possible.

The chanukas habayis was a festive affair that was attended by a cross section of the local Jewish community. It was immediately obvious that the newly renovated Mikvah did not only ease the burden for frum families, but is also having a transformative effect across the community.

Chabad Director Rabbi Aron Goldstein relates that immediately after the chanukas habayis, he heard of two secular families that inquired about using the Mikvah. The Mikvah has already caused them to grow in taharah and advance towards a full Torah lifestyle, a path that other local families are expected to follow, b’ezras Hashem.

“Every time a new Mikvah is completed, we see the great simcha that yidden in the community feel,” says Rabbi Baruch Cywiak, Director of Special Projects for Mikvah USA. “This motivates us to continue this avodas hakodesh until every Jewish community has an upstanding Mikvah to call its own.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Wonderful news that there is a new mikvah. Just want to correct some geography though. It is between 280 and 290 miles from Chicago to Detroit. And depending on which route you take, there are fine Mikvaos in South Haven, MI, in Toledo, OH, and in South Bend, IN, that are either right on the way, or a small detour.

  2. So nice to read this – I’m your long lost cousin from Cleveland – Yosey Goldstein from Baltimore sent this out – fantastic – continued hatzlacha –
    Shimeon Weiner

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